Chapter 39

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"Oh my god, I saw the whooole thing," Eleanor gushes through my phone. I giggle at her excitement while pulling out a chair, at a little cafe Caitlin just found. The boys had left soon after the Twitcam, to get in a 'super quick recording session' for the next album. Savan and McFly are in town this week, and the label guys needed them pronto.

"See ya soon," Harry had told me on the way out, after another quick hug. At the moment I was totally flustered and got stomach butterflies. It's lunchtime and we leave early next morning, though, so I have no idea what he's talking about.

Eleanor had called only minutes ago. "Like, everything was black because Liam put the screen down, right?" she explains. "But we could literally hear everything you two were saying. And when Harry came in and was all 'actually, Nina hates cameras' and then Liam showed us Phoebe's face? PRICELESS!"

"I know, right?" I laugh, taking the menu the hot waiter brings Caitlin and I. I whisper for a lemonade and then return to my conversation. "She totally deserved it, what she did to the boys."

Eleanor sighs dramatically. "Can you please just admit that she targeted you also?" she asks me seriously.

"I already told you, I'm done with her," I remind Eleanor. Caitlin looks down the menu and points to a large chicken Caesar salad, and I nod to her. "No worries, El. She's out of my life for good."

El sighs again, but with relief. "Well that's good," she admits. "I don't want my baby getting hurt anymore!" I laugh with her, but also get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I met Eleanor, one of the world's most popular girlfriends, only three days ago, and she's already gone through so much with me. It's so surreal to imagine that we can already be friends and soon-to-be classmates. I never could have imagined any of this a week ago.

"I won't!" I promise her. "Besides, after tomorrow I'm literally never gonna see her again. We leave in the morning."

Eleanor gasps. "No! You can't leave! You never got to see London! Aww, I hate myself now."

"Don't hate yourself!" I tell her quietly, as Caitlin orders the salad from the superhot waiter. Arms. Dimples. A golden brown tan. I approve. "I saw plenty of London here! You took Caitlin and I to Topshop and Milkshake City on Wednesday, remember? And you showed Manchester to Lauren and I yesterday, AND the guys took us to all those places on Tuesday. I saw plenty, don't sweat it!"

"Well I still want to do something fun on your last night," Eleanor huffs. Then she perks up. "You should sleep over at my flat or something! I got loads of new nail varnish and we can just watch the telly and hang out!"

"Oh my god," I whisper to Caitlin, away from the phone. "Eleanor wants us to sleep over tonight."

"Oh my frickin GOD," Caitlin exclaims, slamming her iced tea down. "Say yes or I'll smack you."

"Sounds good!" I chirp into the phone. "As long as you don't mind if we leave early. Our flight's at nine thirty and Ricky said he wants us there-"

"I don't mind! I'll drive ya," Eleanor says. "Cab drivers are always cranky in the morning. It's no biggie, honestly!"

"Hey El? Have I told you how much I love you?"

Eleanor laughs as Caitlin raises her eyebrow at me. "You may have mentioned it once or twice!" she giggles. "But it really isn't a problem, about tomorrow. Just swing by tonight whenever you like! I have room for all your luggage and stuff like that. Oh, and there's room for four on the pullout couch, so maybe you should invite Lauren too. I don't know, whatever you feel like."

"I will," I decide. "She's probably freaked out rooming with the world's most hated girl right now! I'll let her know tonight!"

"Cool!" Eleanor chirps. "I've been need of a girl's night for ages. I can't wait! Eek!"

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