Chapter 4

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A/N: Hooray for chapter 4! Don't forget to comment and vote! Enjoy ((:



Sunday morning I wake up to the sound of ducks quacking. I give myself about two and a half seconds to sleep in, then I turn off the annoying alarm app on my phone. Two reasons why I have no problem getting up so quickly: One, I picked the most agitating tone available for my alarm clock, and two, it's Sunday. Departure day. The day of departure. In other words, in four hours I'll be on a plane, and in ten more hours I'll finally be in the UK after months of anxious waiting.

I walk to the sofa and grab the clothes I had set there last night. Airports are a place where I honestly don't care what I look like, so I'll be wearing an oversize burgundy sweater, black leggings, and my new white Converse. After heavy contemplation, I decide to fish through my suitcase one last time to grab the beanie, to hide my bed head. I quickly change and walk down to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Morning, hun!" my mom says cheerfully, although I can tell she's as nervous as I am about the trip. To be honest, though, I've had the jitters ever since Caitlin and I won the contest.

"Hi, mom," I say yawning. It's eight in the morning, which is a normal wake up time for most, but if you stayed up as late as I did last night, you'd be as tired as I am. Caitlin made me Skype her last night while she packed, and trust me, there is nothing more boring than watching a girl put clothes in and out of a suitcase for two hours. Luckily, the ten-hour flight will leave me plenty of time to get some shut-eye.

I sit at a barstool at the kitchen island. "Ta-da!" my mom trills, setting a plate in front of me. It's pancakes, but these are way more special than your average flapjack. She had somehow managed to use red and blue M&M's to make a British flag pattern in a pancake the size of my head!

"Mom!" I cry, staring at the gorgeous platter. "This is amazing! Oh my God, I love you I love you I love you!" I jump down and dive into her arms. She chuckles.

"I'm glad you like it, sweetie," she says, kissing the top of my head. "Now hurry up and eat it before your father does. We both know he would." It's true, he would.

I stare at the pancake, unwilling to take a bite. It's way too pretty to eat. I take out my phone and snap a picture of it, then scarf down my awesome breakfast.

"Thanks again, mom!" I say. I walk over to her at the sink and take the scrubbing sponge from her hand. "Let me do the dishes. As a thank you."

My mom sighs and looks at me. "Honey, you're the sweetest. You're getting so grown up, too!" Her eyes start to tear up and she walks away quickly. I roll my eyes, like I do whenever she gets sentimental, but there's something about being an almost-college-freshman that makes me get the same pang in my stomach she must have. The one that means I'm finally out of high school and I'm no longer a little girl anymore. A little tear drops into the bubbles in the sink as I quickly scrub the remaining dishes.

Ten minutes later I return to my bedroom and fall onto my bed. I take out my phone and open Twitter, then tweet the pancake pic with the caption,

"so excited - today is finally here! i'm off to London! thanks for breakfast mum :)"

I hit send and check my profile once again. 78,294 followers. I can't help but give a long, slow whistle. Ever since the boys mentioned me (akjskfslskd) I've been getting loads of followers and mentions. Jealous fans can't stop tweeting me about how they wish they were me, how I should tell Liam to follow them, yada yada yada. I know I'm not Hollywood famous, but apparently now I'm Twitter famous and I'm getting a small taste of what it's like to be a celebrity online. And let me tell you, it is no stroll in the park.

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