Chapter 10

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A/N: my authors notes are so short... Should I make them longer? Nah I'll let you guys read (: Enjoy!



I wake up totally unaware of where I am. The textured wallpaper that's a few feet away from my face doesn't resemble my pastel walls back at home, and the black-and-white paintings don't ring a bell either. It's only when I roll over to see Caitlin, sprawled out among her covers, that I remember I'm in a hotel room in London.

I lean over to check the alarm clock - 6:28 - and I wonder how I've woken up so early. Since it must be late evening now back in Los Angeles, I decide to call my parents. I pick up my phone and dial my home number. My mom answers after one ring.

"Hi honey!" she says cheerfully. "How was your first day in London? Did you go sightseeing yet? Or shopping?"

"Mom, slow down, I just woke up," I whisper, yawning. "Caitlin's still asleep. Let me go into the hallway." I quietly take my room key and open my door, sitting down against the wall outside.

"Back," I say. "Well to answer your question, we didn't do much yesterday. We basically just adjusted to the time zone and hung out at the hotel. Oh, and then we went out for pizza for dinner."

"Ooh, that sounds like so much fun!" my mom replies, energetic. We talk for a few minutes about some letters from Manchester Uni that just came in the mail, and I answer a hundred of Mom's questions about the 502.4 reps.

"Well, your father is taking me to Olive Garden tonight, so I need to go now. But call back tonight, okay, sweetheart?" my mom says.

"Sure thing," I answer, starting to stand up again.

"Great," she says. "Well, bye honey! Oh, and have fun meeting One Direction today!" Click.

And there I am, left staring at my phone in the middle of the hallway, wearing nothing but a Pizza My Heart tee shirt and some Abercrombie boxers.

...Did I hear my mom right?

Nah, it can't be. Impossible.

I pinch myself hard on the arm, to wake myself up. "Oww," I whine, but when I open my eyes I'm still in the hotel hallway. Still in a daze, I let myself back into the room, but not before stepping on a piece of paper shoved under the door.

"Don't forget: 8am! Meet us in the lobby! - R & S."

Holy. Sweet. Mother. Of. Caroline. Flack.

"CAITLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!" I scream, bounding through our room and jumping onto her bed. I land on top of her and hear a small "oomph" come out from under me.

"WAKE UUUUP," I cry out, shaking Caitlin's shoulders. Finally she squints up at me, sending me death glares for interrupting her sleep.

"Get off," she mumbles, pulling a pillow over her head. I immediately rip it off.

"Don't fall asleep again!" I order her. I get off the bed and pull the covers off with me, leaving her shivering on top of her mattress.

"Nooooo-ho-ho!" she wails, gripping her pillows close. "The humanityyyy..."

I climb on top of her and pin her shoulders down, forcing her to look into my eyes. "Listen, Caitlin," I say. She reluctantly looks up at me. "What day is it?" I ask.

She knits her brow as she struggles to use her brain at such an early hour. "Tuesday?" she asks.

"Yes," I answer. "And where are we?"

Caitlin looks around the hotel room. "London."

"Good!" I say. "Now tell me, Caitlin, what are we doing today?!"

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