Chapter 27

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I literally can't breathe.

The cinnamon instantly coats the inside of my mouth and completely dries it out. The powder clogs my throat and leaves me squealing and choking. After one glance at Caitlin who's suffering as much as I am, we both lean over the sinks and let it out.

"PLEEECH!!!" Two massive brown clouds of cinnamon burst from our lips as we gasp for air and cough like crazy. I immediately grab for the water bottle, dumping it down like my life depends on it. The water soaks up my dry mouth and leaves a gross, cinnamon-ey paste on my tongue, which I spit out. After a few more water cycles and an intense coughing fit, we're able to clear our pipes enough to talk again.

"I can't believe we just did that," Caitlin moans, grabbing a towel and wiping her tongue on it.

I lean into the computer, where I quickly smooth my disheveled hair. "And to 46,391 people," I complain. "If I see any photos or GIFs of this on Tumblr, I will personally find your house." Hopefully nobody cares enough about us. I mean, we're just friends with the guys, right? We can't possibly be interesting to all these people, and yet the number of viewers just keeps increasing.

"Don't try that at home, kids," Caitlin tells the camera before gargling and spitting into the sink.

"God, I don't even know why we do these things."

"Chubby bunny will be better," I try, wondering why on earth we're doing such unflattering things on a live Twitcam. Luckily we didn't tell anyone about this, or people we really know might be watching. How embarrassing would that be...

"Let's take the marshmallows back onto the chair," Caitlin says as I grab the laptop. "If I smell one more whiff of cinnamon I'm gonna vomit!"

"I hear ya," I say, feeling awkward since the camera's focusing on my face. I quickly set it down on the ottoman and squeeze in next to Caitlin, who's ripping the jumbo marshmallow bag open.

"We must be making the weirdest faces," I laugh. "Imagine how many screenshots they're probably taking-"

Caitlin nudges me in the arm. "Don't give them ideas!" she cries. "We're about to stuff our mouths full!" She takes out five marshmallows and hands them to me. "Y'all know the rules," she tells the camera. "Although I doubt we can fit more than three in our mouths!"

"Says the one with the huge piehole," I mumble.

"What's that, cleavage?"

I gasp and pull up my v-neck. "Nothing!"

Caitlin smirks and holds up a marshmallow, and I do the same. "I'll go first," she says, plopping the marshmallow into her mouth. "Chubby bunny. Easy."

I stick mine into my mouth. "Chubby bunny," I manage with the huge marshmallow. "Level twooo!" We both stuff our faces again and try the phrase. This time it's a little harder, but I'm able to say "chubby bummy." Close enough.

"Chu-ee bu-ee!" I whimper, laughing with four marshmallows stuffed in my mouth. I cup a hand over my mouth to shield our viewers from the ugly view.

"Uh-ee uh-ee!" Caitlin cries out, going for her sixth marshmallow. I crack up so much my stomach begins to hurt, so I speed over to the sink and spit out the gooey contents of my mouth. There's still a gross sugary paste in there so I rinse with water multiple times. By the time I return to the chair Caitlin has given up on the challenge, but is instead trying to cram in as many marshmallows as possible in front of the camera.

"Caitlin DeNeiros, ladies and gents," I announce as I pull the laptop onto my

lap. "What a beaut."

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