Chapter 64

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I slowly lifted my head up. The strange room seemed to be spinning. When I was back to reality, I realize I was sitting in a chair. My hands were tied together behind my back, as well as my feet tied up. I looked around the room to see if I recognized anything.

I didn't. I caught a moving figure in the corner of my eye. He walked over in front of me holding a sharp fighting knife.

"Good morning Mrs. Dinozzo." He smiled, fiddling with the knife.

"Who are you."

"That doesn't matter at the moment, now does it?"

"Pretty sure it does. What do you want from me?"

"It's simple. Your nephew." He said.

I looked at him with no emotions what so ever. I was fiddling with the rope that tied my hands together behind my back.

"Easton?" I asked.

He nodded.

"No way in hell."

"Now now.. Don't be difficult.. I would hate to have to use this large knife in a more.. Deadly way." He smiled, sliding the knife across my left cheek, slicing it wide open.

I shut my eyes in pain.

"Now either you can give me the kid now and no one gets hurt, or I can take out your entire family and get him that way. It's your choice. You have some decisions to make. I'll give you a minute to decide."

He said with a smile as he walked out and slammed the basement door shut.

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