The mockingbird

163 11 6


You're laughing at me

Well I'll join in with you

But don't forget though

The mockingbird was not

The last one to laugh

So keep on smiling

I'll just keep on bearing

A day soon coming

All of this I may forget

But you will be reminded

Of how you belittled me

For as today

I might be shamed

But coming tomorrow

It won't be the same

I'd be on my merry way

While you'd come to realise

What a great mistake

You did wrong by me

But it would be too late

Because I will be going

Never looking back

Because that is the past

It is already lost

And time won't rewind

Though I'll be on your mind

Because you'd regret

All that you've ever done

But I'd already be gone

So faraway from here

You wouldn't know where

I'd finally be at peace

So far out of your reach


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