A wishful feeling...

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Since I met you, I've had all sorts of first times; like going out with a boy, keeping him company, talking with him so freely like an open book, letting down my guard, and falling in love with him is the most surprising...
Sorry, I've been talking about you as if you were someone else...
So yeah, I've just come to realize how much I love you in such a little time and in such a quick way...
It's so strange for me because, I didn't really tell you everything about me. And you don't know yet the darkness I have within me and carry around without showing... It made me so depressed sometimes, and even made me want to put an end to everything. It made me so hopeless that I often resigned myself to the feeling and wanted to let go of everything, even my own life... I even prayed for an earlier death...
I didn't expect at all that I would find someone to love and want to live for... And above all, wanting to give my everything for such a person...
I so wanted to be yours that I offered myself to you, and I wanted you so much in the same way...
That's the most surprising fact for me because, I was so afraid of a man's touch that I couldn't even bear the idea of letting someone touch me, let alone offering myself to a boy or man is something I would have never dreamed about... or so I thought until I fell in love with you...
I gave you myself, I give you my soul, I would give you everything I have if you want, even if I'm afraid of being deceived by you...
Just because, I never felt so happy, so joyful, so hopeful and so blissful, like when I'm with you...
I sincerely thank you with my all, for loving me and teaching me about love...

I love you

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