As the noble

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Noblesse shouldn't be about wealth

Not about money and status at least

As the noble is a humble master in stealth

So he could generously share as the Christ


Noblesse is about values and principles

To teach the children about the right path

As the noble learned from wiser originals

To guarantee hope in a future on earth


Noblesse is also about a mighty fist

Though only for justice and making peace

As the noble is a knight ever for the best

A guide to never falter through any chaos


Noblesse is about the bestest of model

Good at summum and bad at minimal

As the noble would always do well

To ensure the future for kids are special


~ • ~
PS: well, this piece was mainly inspired by one of my favourite manhwas(or mangas if ya want), Noblesse written by Son Jae-Ho and Lee Gwang-Su, but also for my awesome dad as he's one fine model of a noble!

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