A forevermore

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A forevermore no more to store in sour

Shouldn't be as it wasn't what one meant

How was your one it shall be so as a vow

One is in the light let it shine in your night

You will find it in the end laying in wait

Though to it you shouldn't eagerly rush

For now one is embodiment of patience

And still watching over your existence

As to guard you along life's ambush


Just remember what one wanted for you

Surely one wanted that forever with you

But now it turned out to be for ever in you

That there in should nurture your might

So you could keep it on through this plight

Guiding you till dawn comes out bright

So you would as should live on to fight

Stay safe then take care and hold on tight

May your pen stay up and go on to write


~ • ~
PS: this is a little dedication to palexmoon for the good stroll through his/her book asphyxiate as it inspired these words to come out. Keep it up buddy, you'll get there, let time to the time so it could do its magic, as you said, patience is key. 😊🖤🤍💛🧡❤

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