I always am thankful

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First and foremost, I always am thankful,

To the all Mighty, for my beating heart,

Granting me life, for which I'm so grateful.


Whatever I've been through, the joy and hurt,

To cherish each experience and feel,

As I'm alive, it would be my growth spurt.


Secondly, my dear mother and father,

For making my life possible to be,

I'm just glad for your love with each other.


How I'm blessed, I finally came to see,

Ignorant child I was, though no longer,

As I now am grown-up, no more carefree.


And thirdly, my mate and partner for life,

I thank my lucky star and the Cupid,

Tying our fates, making me your wife.


Finally, my precious darling daughter,

My motivation and culmination,

Embellishing each day with your laughter,

You're the fruit from fusing love and passion.


PS: not to forget or neglect, my dear curious readers, as I am thankful to you, for taking precious time to stroll along my nonsensical ramblings 😅☺😘

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