Dear mother of mine...

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Millions of stars shining in the skies

Millions of bees foraging in the fields

Millions of birds chirping in the trees

Millions of fishes swimming in the seas

Millions of grains tumbling on the shore

But only one irreplaceable mother


You carried me in your womb's depths

You gave me life after uncomfortable months

You protected me until I could grow in strength

You cared for me so I could stay in good health

You nurtured me so I could appreciate my own worth

You loved me and I know you'd do so until your last on this earth


Thanks to you I could even breath

Thanks to you I could enjoy life

Thanks to you I am never lost

Thanks to you I know what counts most

Thanks to you I could learn about love

Thanks to you I know how to be mom


I just want you to know, I can't thank you enough for all you've ever done and still do.

Dear mother of mine, God bless you,
I love you ❤


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