Your freedom ends where begins mine

66 4 10


Oh shish, what have you done!?

Didn't you think how bad it'd be gone!?

No matter how you might have felt

This shouldn't be how it've been delt

Now see how you've sown a seed of hate?

Don't you know we're accountable to fate?

Surely it is duly taking notes

Evaluating any and every quotes

Weighing all of your actions

To measure up rightful retributions

No one has any right over any other

All beings are free to do whatever

But! In the limits of what's reasonably fine

Your freedom ends where begins mine! 

You may be satisfied in your hateful glory

But let me tell you it'll be only temporary

Because you can only reap what you sow

As even peace-lover me wanna say cow

Excuse my rudeness even if it's still nice

My frustration is too much high a price

As you can't pay my overpriced time

Though I hope you'd realise your crime

Because it's condamnable by the law

Maybe behind bars with a taste of sorrow

To see the pain of being thrown stones at

You'd feel as to whom you've done that


PS: well, this is in reaction to something horrible happening on the platform, someone disclosed personal informations of another person without its consent, and making homophobic bullying and whatnot again. This is so bad and so sad, as acting in an emotional state would just be, in this kind of situation, wholly stupid and idiotic. Please people, think carefully before doing or saying anything, especially for the consequences, because you can't remake what's done, it will feed back your present and your future as well. 😩😒😑🤦‍♀️

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