The way of the Light

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I found my truth in the way of the Light.

Just as simple as that.


Maybe yes,

Maybe not,

Though, let me break it down for you:

You see the light,

Yet again,

You can't see it all,

As it's comprised of an infinite myriad

Shades of all the existing colours,

Visible and invisible.

Isn't it so?

A universal fact.

What I found fascinating about it,

It's that all the things

The Light would come by and encounter,

They would absorb it

In its generous entirety,

But then,

Each would actually reflect

A piece of the Light,

In each own way,

According to the specific colour

Each wants to be painted

With their understanding of the Light.

Isn't it marvellous?


Can you understand its language?

Do you know what actually is

The Light's native tongue?

It is Love.

So simple.


So infinitely complex.

Just as the Light.

Don't you think so?

One little word.

Yet, no one can describe it,


It cannot be contained

By mere words,

In and for a definition.

Isn't it incredible?

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