Chocolife cake

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Oh hello to you my dear fellow

Don't just peek from the window

See how the door is wide open

Come and welcome to my kitchen

Today we're going to make a cake

A Chocolife you'd be able to take

And share with your beloved ones

Or even those you'd meet only once

Going outta there afterwards

Whom got delt some harsh cards

From Fate's hazardous lottery

With Destiny's mischievous trickery

First we'd need the basic hope-flour

Of course that is the cake's core

Even if it's obvious and seems simple

In every bakery it's still quite essential 

And with it let's mix some funny yeast

To make it uplifting for the mood at least

Let's add the extra-in-ordinary butter

Helpful for the mind's sight far better

Than the blurry glasses you've been given

For you seem to miss most of joy's token

Too blinded you've been along negativity

Though it'd be best to go with positivity

Alright break in the nut-shelled eggs

To fight life's craze on strengthened legs

Now melt and add the bitter chocolate

As reality isn't always sweet in taste

But don't forget some sugar for lover

As it's what will give the bestest flavour

Finally pour the batter in the pan

To bake for a few minutes in the oven

Ohh see as it became so beautiful

Surely it'd be also plenty tasteful

Come on let's pack it for you to take away

Don't hesitate to donate some on the way

For you now have the recipe in mind

Or you can just find me for a remind


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