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Haïkus of Conscience

Conscience's lenses

Lenses for sentience

Sentience to awaken

Awaken the humane

Humane in men

Men and women

Women and children

Children of the light

Light up the might

Might fighting plight

Plight from life

Life isn't just strife

Strife of the wildlife

Wildlife in a dance

Dance of existence

Existence as sentience

Sentience with lenses

Lenses to write haïkus

Haïkus of Conscience


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PS: a little dedication for Haïkus of Conscience, a great collection written by jimrileyenlight. If you don't know about it, I highly recommend you to give it a try, let the melodious musical accompaniments lull you in, while the mind exercices along with the words 😁☺

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