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Far away in my cold old castle

I would learn how to handle

Patience just like a burning candle


Heart as the flame that wants to hustle

Against the wax and the wind's bustle

And while going through that hassle


Slowly the wick turns to ash

The breeze blows it away in its dash

Into the night so dark and harsh


Slightly the freeze eases up in the heat

The gloom clears up in the light

And my painful heart still beats


Without fail in good faith and might

Well then I'll just feast on some meat

A bittersweet cocktail in the twilight


And chocolate ice-cream for a treat

Phone and laptop always in sight

Lying in wait for the good feat


Of an update from great author dear

So please author could you listen here

For a wish and a little plea to hear


My poor soul needs some cheering

It could only find in your storytelling

Hoping desperately for a good ending


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