Self's cries

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Alter angel tending to wounded heart

While diabolic ego cauterizes the hurt

Together willing up a recollection of self

Banning hurtful pieces left on the shelf


Though shouldn't do so because really

That would just turn out to be dumb

Forsaken pieces won't forget eventually

Turning to ghosts to haunt one numb


Be courageous and face off your fears

They may sting for a while or even years

But it'd be more gratifying for self's tears

As doing so will be fortifying self's gears


Because you'd embrace self in its entirety

The good and the bad as all in this reality

A balance to find in and with your whole

Or else any hole could swallow your soul


Don't turn blind or deaf to your self's cries

Else they'd turn sour tainting your skies

Unabling you to grasp life's light and joy

Enabling the dark-hole to make you its toy


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