"When you broke your arm its because you slipped in the mud, not because you were doing anything athletic,"

"Running is athletic, at least to me it is. Especially since I'm out of shape,"

"You are not out of shape," Zack says

"I feel like I am,"

"You just aren't as conditioned to running, we've played sports our entire life, you haven't"

"I know, I've never played an organized sport in my life, and I won't start now,"

Sarah laughs, "Me either,"

Luke pulls into the church parking lot and parks the car. I couldn't believe that this was the last time that we'd be going to camp as campers.

"Good morning guys, you know the drill by now, we're leaving in 15 minutes," Pastor Evan says

"You guys want donuts or coffee?" Sarah asks

The boys nod, "Yes please, I'm starving," Luke says

"Me too,"

"I'll come in and help you," I say

Sarah and I walk inside and go to the gym where they had all the donuts and coffee

"Lila," I hear Emmy yell. She runs over to me and wraps her arms around my legs. I couldn't believe she was already 16 months old. I picked her up and hugged her

"Hi, Emmy!"

"That's adorable, she loves her auntie Lila so much," Grace says. She hugs me and Sarah "Are you guys ready for camp?"

We nod, "I'm so excited, I can't believe next year, we'll be running the camp!"

"November will be here before you know it,"

"I know, this year is huge for me, graduating high school, getting married, starting a church,"

"I'm so excited to see you and Zack get married, has he proposed yet?"

I shook my head, "I know it's going to happen before the end of summer, but I don't know when. The anticipation is killing me,"

"You guys have pretty much everything planned though right?" she asks

"Yep, We're going to ask Pastor Evan to marry us, I have my bridesmaids picked out, and my maid of honor, We just need to go get outfits for everyone"

"Who are your bridesmaids?"

"Josie, Addy, Cara, and you, well if you want to be"

Grace looks shocked, "Really? you want me to be your bridesmaid?"

I nod, "You're like an older sister to me, and I couldn't imagine getting married without you by my side,"

"Of course, I'd love to be your bridesmaid Lila,"

"Yay! Sarah's my maid of honor, and Emmy gets to be my flower girl,"

Grace smiles, "I'm sure she'd love that, she's all about pretty dresses and flowers,"

"I have no idea who Zack is choosing, but he needs to decide quickly, we get married in a little less than 4 months,"

"I knew you guys would get married quickly, you're so in love you don't want to wait,"

"I can't believe that we've been dating on and off for three years,"

"Me either, it feels like just yesterday you guys were just starting out, and now here you are planning a wedding, about to be engaged,"

"God is good, if you would have told me that even after we broke up, that he was still in love with me, and that we'd get back together, I would have thought you were crazy, I thought he hated me,"

"Quite the opposite, I'll never forget the day he told us you guys broke up, I've never seen him cry like he did that day, I could see that he still loved you, even though the heartbreak,"

"The breakup only made us stronger, We haven't had an argument since we got back together 4 months ago, it's like it took us to realize that we almost lost each other to realize that we need each other,"

"Come on you two, we're ready to go," Pastor Evan says

We looked around to see that we were the only ones left in the gym. We followed him outside, I handed Emmy back to Grace and walked down to the first van, where I knew everyone would be.

"There you are," Sarah says

"Sorry, we started talking about the wedding and stuff,"

"It's okay, we saved you some donuts, and here's your coffee,"

"You do love me!"

"Of course I do, I wouldn't be in your wedding party if I didn't,"

"Speaking of which, you need to figure it out Zack, you need a best man and four groomsmen,"

"Luke, Asher, Blake, my brother Easton and Hunter,"

"Have you been thinking about that or did you just come up with it?"

"I've thought about it, and now its one less thing to worry about,"

"Now start looking for ideas for suits, I have my bridesmaid dresses picked out"

"Babe, I love you, but you need to relax a little, we have time after camp to worry about planning the wedding, don't worry about it right now, just enjoy the week okay?"

I nod, "Sorry, it's just coming up fast, and I still don't have a ring, and i'm kinda stressing out a little,"

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. "You're cute when you're stressed, you talk really fast and it's adorable,"


"It's okay, I promised you that we'd be engaged by the end of summer right? just be patient, I promise it'll happen,"

"You're right,"

he lifts my chin up so I'm looking into his beautiful green eyes, he gently kisses me and at that moment every bit of stress melts away.

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