Two Years

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Zack's POV

"I can't believe one year from today, I'll be proposing to her,"

"You're doing it on your actual anniversary?"

I nod, "I know exactly how I'm going to do it too,"

"I have no idea how I'm proposing to Sarah,"

"Y'all have time, aren't you waiting until you're done with school?"

"I don't know, I don't think we'll last that long,"

"I know I wouldn't, I want to marry Lila as soon as I can, I know she's the girl I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with, so why wait,"

"I feel the same way about Sarah, I just don't know how to do it,"

"What happens if she gets pregnant before you guys are married?"

"We'll have to get married as soon as possible, but it won't happen, why? did she tell you something?"

"No, I just had a dream last night that she got pregnant before you were married, it only seemed like a year into the future because she told everyone here at camp,"

"At least it was just a dream, I don't know what I'd do if it happened,"

"I don't know man, it felt like it was a prophetic dream,"

"I'm going to talk to her before we leave, I can't let it happen, It'll ruin my career,"

"No it won't, it shows you're human, it shows that you make mistakes,"

"What would you do if it was you and Lila in that situation?"

"I'd love her and be there for her the best I could be, but I know that won't happen with us, we haven't done anything, and we won't unless she's comfortable with it,"

"She's too scared to do anything,"

"I can't blame her though, she was raped, that's not easy to deal with,"

"I know, Sarah was too, "

"Sarah was raped? I didn't know that,"

"Yeah, she made me swear not to tell anyone, but it was Trent,"

"I'm going to hurt him,"

"No, you aren't she'll hurt me if she finds out I told you,"

"Now I see why she was so upset when Lila talked about her experience,"

"She had flashbacks to him doing it,"

"Lila still has them too, I wish there was something I could do,"

"It's been 4 years, and I still haven't been able to figure out how to help Sarah,"

"I guess all we can do is comfort them when they dream about it or have flashbacks,"

"It just makes me feel like I'm not good enough for her because I can't fix what he did to her in the past,"

"We can't fix the past, but we can fix the future and work on the present,"

"I guess you're right,"

"I know you wouldn't do anything like that to her either, You guys have a relationship that's built on a lot of trust, neither of you would ever pressure the other into doing something you didn't want to do,"

"You're right, I've never pressured her into anything, anything that's happened between us, we've both agreed on,"

"Lila and I are the same way, I go at the pace she wants to go at, If she's ready for the next step, she lets me know,"

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