"I said fucking let me go!" Ophelia shouted as her voice was piercing my ears.

It seemed I couldn't calm her down. I didn't need to get her in a rage, I had to let go of her and I winced in pain, "Fine, you're hurting me."

Her green eyes were penetrating mine with hatred as she gritted her teeth, "You're lucky that I never hit on your goddamn face!"

"What the hell is going on, Lia? You got me crazy!" I was shocked after I lash out my voice as loud as hers. Everything was too late when the tears escape from her green eyes as I used a hand to palm my forehead and said, "Fuck, I'm sorry, Lia. I didn't mean it. I'm just exhausted."

I quickly hold her hand, but she avoided it as she held the handle of the luggage and said, "You know what? You're pathetic." She walked past me pulling the luggage along with her as I quickly hold the other side of the handle to stop her, "Where do you think you're going, Lia? It's getting late."

"I'm leaving," Ophelia said coldly.

"Can we sit down and talk instead of shouting at each other?" I asked and I just hope that was the way to keep her and let her explain.

"I want to go home," Ophelia insisted without looking at me.

I sighed as I gradually let go of the handle and said, "Okay, I will send you home."

Ophelia was silent for a while as she muttered, "Great."

We were awkwardly quiet in the car, I was grateful the radio was playing Ophelia's favorite songs for cutting down the tension we were carrying. The side mirror on her side reflected her tired face as she keep her eyes on the night view of the city. Normally, she would more like the DJ's broadcast the view for me as the music on the radio was more likely as a little background of our entertainment.

However, silence had replaced the fun we used to have in the car. We never argued and never shouted at each other, but I didn't expect we were both blown without any reason. There was no point to be regretful since we couldn't undo what we had done. I couldn't take back the word I had said and I couldn't forget what she had yelled at me either. We both were hurt.

I never wanted to send her back, but that was the way to mend us instead of breaking each other more. I took a glance at her when I heard her quietly sniff and used the tissue which I had prepared for her to dap the tears around her eyes. It was supposed only a 10-minute drive to her house, but I choose the busy traffic to keep her longer with me before I had to let her go.

Eventually, I pulled up my car outside of her house and she unbuckled the seatbelt. I gently held her arm. "What is it now?" She said with a hint of reluctance without looking at me.

"Lia, I'm letting you go, but I'm not going to give up this relationship. I agreed to send you home because I know you need a space. I'm trying to give you that no matter how much I wanted you to stay with me." I sighed softly as was ready to hold her, but I refrained from doing that. "I'm sorry for my negligent if I did something that got you upset," I gently caressed her arm and said softly, "Please take care when I'm not with you?"

"That's it?" Ophelia said briefly as her hand was holding the car door handle.

"Yes," I replied dejectedly as I slipped my hand away from her arm and we both got off my car. We walked to the trunk of my car, I opened it to take out the luggage for Ophelia. I put down the luggage next to me as Ophelia reached a hand to claim it.

I knew maybe I would risk a punch from her, but I didn't care anymore. I seized her with my arms around her waist as I leaned in to capture her lips. She didn't against me, but let my lips nibble her stiff one. She eventually gave in as my hands reached her face and cradled it as her warm tears were touching my thumbs. I tried to wipe away the tears of hers as much as I could.

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