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Aria Honey felt as though the summer had gone by incredibly slowly. As slow as the snail that was presently sliding along her bedroom's window sill. Nevertheless, she knew that her boredom was about to change for the better and worse, as the summer reached its end. Soon enough, Aria would be returning to school. However, her school wasn't like any other school. Her school was one of the most incredibly special places in the entirety of the United Kingdom. Aria knew with a warm heart that she had really missed Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft and wizardry that she had been attending since she was eleven years old. 

Being a witch would have probably come as more of a shock to her, if Aria hadn't always had her suspicions that one of her parents- her mother- wasn't a muggle. Muggles, of course, were how wizards referred to humans. It was possible, of course, for two humans to have a wizard child. One of Aria's dearest friends, Hermione Granger, was a muggle-born. 

Aria and her brother, Ethan Honey, were half-bloods. While Aria had been sorted into Hufflepuff, Ethan had been sorted into Gryffindor. Ethan was a year older than Aria, so he had already finished his final year of Hogwarts. It was probably fortunate that he had because Aria already knew that she wouldn't be returning to a usual year of schooling. Oh, no. Dark forces lurked in the wizarding world. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had risen and Aria was well-aware of the fact that she was going to have to help in the battle against him. 

Occupying the status of best friend of Harry Potter came with both its perks and downsides and that was an understatement in every sense. Not only was Harry an incredible wizard, he was a kind-hearted and special friend, too. While he brought with him great friendship, though, he also brought along great danger and Aria was already knowledgeable of the threats that could catch up to her this year. 

Of course, there were large threats like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's return and smaller threats, too, like one blonde-haired Slytherin by the name of Draco Malfoy. Aria felt tempted to roll her eyes just thinking about him, but she refrained. She needed to pack. She would be leaving for Hogwarts in the evening and it was vital that she was well-prepared. 

With excitement unmatched, Aria couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts, even though she was incredibly aware of the dark dangers that lurked. It was frightening and even Aria Honey couldn't deny as much. She was a very courageous girl, which, as a first year, had often left her wondering whether she should have been sorted into Gryffindor. In spite of this, Aria had an especially tolerant demeanor, which meant that she had formed fast friendships with the other Hufflepuffs that studied alongside her. If she could have, Aria would have wanted to get along with every single person at Hogwarts, in every single house, but this wasn't the easiest of endeavors. This was particularly the case when students like Draco Malfoy, who believed that pure-blood wizards (those who had been born to two wizard parents) should be the only ones to attend Hogwarts. 

Aria had always thought this was more ridiculous than the spell riddikulus was. She had always believed that all wizards, no matter their 'blood status', should have a place at Hogwarts. 

As a half-blood, Aria didn't get bullied for her status quite as much as her dear friend Hermione did, but this didn't mean that it didn't bother her. Aria often believed that Draco should be given slugs to eat for breakfast for his terrible ideals. She was willing to listen to most people's opinions but she believed that Malfoy's were immensely wrong and terribly harmful. 

Aria could admit that she didn't know whether there would ever be a level of peace between she and Malfoy, but she had always held hope within her, even if it was secretly, that she would be able to get through to him. Of course, she had only ever truly thought this way in her first three years of Hogwarts. As the years progressed, she found herself losing faith and hope that there was any light left at all in Draco Malfoy's soul. 

A frown worked its way onto her face when she realised that the darkness of souls existed in people she had hardly ever believed that it could. In her sixth year, Dumbledore had been executed by Severus Snape, the potion's professor, of all people. The mere thought of it made Aria's eyes sting, so she tried to push it out of her mind. 

Fortunately, Aria soon received a distraction from all of these malevolent memories, when her brother, Ethan Honey, entered her bedroom. 

"Hello," Ethan said, with a serious expression. In Aria's opinion, Ethan had always been so incredibly serious. If he had been a pure-blood, she was fairly certain that he would have ended up in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor. Alas, he had been sorted into Gryffindor and Aria knew that the Sorting Hat had never made one mistake in all the time that it had existed. Aria was fairly relieved that her brother hadn't ended up in Slytherin, especially after she had discovered, in her final year, that many wizards and witches that were sorted into such a house ended up taking a turn towards the darkness. A turn towards the evil. 

"Hi, Ethan," Aria greeted him, with a smile. 

"I thought I would come to check on you. I have a lot of work to do at the ministry tonight so I may be a little too busy to see you off to Hogwarts but..." he trailed off. 

Ethan had never been the greatest at showcasing his feelings but Aria knew that he meant well enough. 

"I'll miss you," Aria admitted. 

Just for a mere moment, Ethan's stony expression faded away to be replaced by a much more loving one. 

"Likewise," Ethan admitted, with a kind glint in his gaze. 

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