Chapter Eighteen

Începe de la început

She was washing her hair and rinsing the shampoo away from it. I hooped in the shower as I press the shower gel in my hands, I rubbed my hands until it foamed up and pressed it on her abdomen before running my hands up to her breasts.

"What took you so long?" Keira teased as she hummed comfortably by my touch. I didn't reply but kissed her shoulder with my hands massage her breasts with my fingers played her nipples.

"I'm sorry for the late, taking off my clothes alone needed a little time for that, baby," I quipped as I heard her laugh softly with a soft sigh.

Keira held my hands and turned to face me, pulled me closer with her sloppy body pressed against mine, and pinned me to the wall. Her darkened gray eyes were gazing at mine as I felt her right hand reaching downward of my body. I eagerly leaned in and capture her lips.

Another week passed, and Keira and I got swamped with our work. Especially, Keira's lack of sleep since she always stayed up late to work at home. I pretty much admired her patience and that she could handle a handful like me since she was overloaded with her work which took over her sleeping time.

Keira was good at controlling her emotion when she work. She never raise her voice at me or anyone at our workplace even though everyone was afraid of her and that she was intimidating. Instead, I could always see a beautiful smile from her whenever we were alone from the others or at home.

When I was entering the bathroom, Keira almost got me a heart attack. It was lucky I found her fall asleep in the bathtub before she became a prune. I knelt next to her as I cupped her face and called softly, "Hey, wake up, baby."

She had no response and I had to gently pat her face, "Wakey! Wakey!"

Keira eventually stirred with her eyes fluttered open and muttered, "Fuck, I fall asleep." Keira used a hand to cover her eyes and sighed, "I'm so sorry, Lia. We were supposed to watch a movie."

I leaned in pecked her lips and said, "Hey, that's fine. You're tired and you should get some sleep."

Keira put her hand down as I slowly stood on my feet and tapped her shoulder, "Come on, let's go to sleep." I helped her to get up and dried up her body before putting on her favorite Elmo pajamas.


"Hello, yes speaking," I replied through the phone as I looked at Keira with a shrug. "Oh, a parcel for me? Yes, I will go there later. Thank you, goodbye." I ended the call.

"Did they mention who the sender is?" Keira asked curiously at me as she leaned her back against her chair.

I shook my head at her, "No, they didn't. But, I'll go and have a look."

"I'll go with you if you don't mind waiting after I finished a meeting," Keira suggested with a soft smile.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I checked the time and grinned, "It's still early, I could get us tacos and get coffee after I get the parcel. That would be perfect for us to get an hour's break before the meeting."

"I like the sound of that," Keira smiled as she stood up and walked toward me as I hoop into her embrace cause she chuckled softly. She cupped my face for me to look at her as she gently caresses my face, "Be careful. Don't take it so long, Okay?" Keira pecked my lips and smiled, "Because I will miss you."

I grinned in return as I used a hand to tap her nose, "Yes ma'am!"

Keira rolled her eyes at me and I pecked her lips before leaving the room as Keira returned to her seat and resume her work.

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