Summer - Thirty-One

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31 – Summer

We got our beautiful baby boy back, and let me tell you, now that he was all cleaned up, he looked identical to Jordan. Black hair, his eyes were a light bluish grey, he definitely had Jordan's ears and nose. The more I stared at this gorgeous boy that we created the more I realized he looked nothing like me, and it was hilarious.

We got switched rooms, his entire family showed up along with Cole and Dylan, and soon after the rest of the Weaver clan, including Momma and Dad Weaver. Everyone was so overjoyed and nobody judged. It seriously was amazing. My brother even showed his face, and as a traveling man I was shocked when he walked in needless to say.

Jordan told me about the conversation with my Mother and that just didn't surprise me at all, she's never been involved in my life why start now. I was okay with it though, I didn't used to be, but now that I have an entire family behind me that are here because they love me? Who cares about the ones that gave me life right?

Our friends surprised us the day we got home with a nursery designed and completely set up, along with a baby shower, since obviously not knowing we were pregnant in the first place the only thing that we had coming home from the hospital was a car seat, that Jordan did extensive research on until he found the safest possible one and sent Aiden out to buy it. Oh, and a crib, we did stop on our way home since Jordan brought his truck back to the hospital stating it was safer, and we obviously couldn't put a baby in my little car. Two doors, no back seats, guess it is time for me to upgrade! I also went a little crazy with a few newborn outfits since our little man was so tiny.

He was exceptionally healthy with no CIPA or anything like Jordan was worried about, and besides a tiny bit of jaundice he was absolutely perfect. I also all but moved in to Jordan's house because well, recovering it was just easier that way regardless.

The next couple of weeks were rough at first. Jordan was working from home which was amazing. I mean the man had to help me shower for the first like week. Even help me clean myself after peeing sometimes and he didn't complain even the tiniest bit. I mean he didn't even give me a grossed out-look, and if you've had a can get gross especially the first few days. I'll be forever grateful for this amazing man.

However, my favorite thing happened today. It's happened a few times but today topped the charts for sure. We decided to breastfeed Jameson, so I've been pumping as well so that Jordan could feed him whenever he wanted to. Like right now, and three in the morning. I didn't even hear the baby cry; I didn't hear Jordan get up. I just happened to have to go to the bathroom and heard this amazing man in the kitchen whispering to our four-week-old son. I leaned against the hallway just to watch as Jordan held him in his arms gently moving around the kitchen while feeding him out of a bottle.

"Got to let mommy get in her sleep buddy, she needs her rest." He paused for a second and looked up at the ceiling then back down at our baby. "I'm gonna marry your mommy. Give you a few siblings to play with. Already have your idiot Uncle's working on building a house for all of us. Mommy needs to finalize some things that she wants in it, which means Daddy needs to actually grow some balls and tell her about it, because we're a family, and we should be living in a home together. Uncle Aiden's going to have his own suite above the garage too, so we won't even have to deal with his dumbass constantly." I heard Jameson coo. "Right, he's so loud waking you up when he comes home. Little man, you and mommy are the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm going to give you guys the world." The floor creaked slightly when I switched my weight to my other leg and Jordan's eyes flew to mine with a smile. "How long you been there darlin'?"

"Long enough." I walked over to them kissing Jameson's tiny head before kissing Jordan. "A house? A few siblings?"

"Shit, you heard it all." He turned slightly red.

"I heard some, enough to make my heart happy just like every single day with you." He leaned down and kissed me again. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." He smiled.

"You know I could have woken up with him."

"I enjoy sneaking in this time with him, especially since I'm going back to work at the office tomorrow. You sure you don't need me? I can take another week and work from home."

"Little man and I will be perfectly fine, I promise. You need to get back to work at the office. They need you there too." He let out a small laugh.

"I'd much rather be here."

"I know." I smiled and kissed him again. Jameson finished the bottle and Jordan flipped him over and held him like a football with his chin in his hand and tapped his back waiting for the burp. We both laughed when it came out loud and strong.

"That's how I know he's my kid." I laughed and shook my head.

"Right it has nothing to do with the jet-black hair and ridiculously blue eyes, but his burping and gas habits."

"Hey now, it's the volume." I laughed again rolling my eyes. As if on cue Jameson let one rip and we both laughed hard. "Alright he's just 100% boy."

"And 100% you." We both smiled. "I go to the Doctors Tuesday."

"Shit, that mean Tuesday night I can finally have my way with you?"

"Maybe. We will have to wait and see." I started to walk away.

"Wait, am I going to have to go back to condoms? Because like I'll have to pick some up." He whined.

"You said siblings, right?" He smiled with a raised brow. I winked and continued back to the bedroom. It took about ten minutes for Jordan to get Jameson back to sleep, once he did, he pounced on the bed and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. He backed away and laid next to me brushing hair behind me ear.

"So, will you marry me one day?"

"Are you asking me to marry you, or asking if I'll eventually marry you?" He laughed.

"You've changed me Summer, made me want to be a better man. Made me a Dad."

"Actually, I think we both unintentionally did that one." We both laughed.

"I couldn't imagine unintentionally doing so with any one else in the world. So yes, I'm asking if you will marry me. I don't have a ring or anything yet, but I promise I'll get one. Or you can pick it out if you want to. I just want you to be my wife, not just my baby Momma." He let out a light laugh and shook his head. "My proposal sucks." He laughed again.

"No, your proposal was perfect." Tears were filling my eyes and threatening to spill over. "And yes, I will marry you, always yes." His smile was gorgeous and wide, I'm sure mirroring mine, before lightly pressing his lips against mine as we lazily made out.

My life was perfect. I know people say that and expect people to like envy them or something, but I'm saying it because I truly believe it. Jordan and I got married a few months after he asked me and it was perfect. Then we got pregnant and actually knew about it this time, and that was perfect. Our beautiful son is going to have a baby sister, and that's going to be perfect. They're going to be almost exactly 18 months apart and guess what that is? You guessed it. Perfect, for us.

Jordan is seriously the best Dad in the world. He doesn't miss a thing at all. He's there to help constantly, and I mean constantly. Like he'll be sitting there playing video games with Aiden and the guys in our new house, and Jameson will walk over to him and Jordan immediately kisses his chubby little cheeks and plops him on his lap and just keeps playing. He has never gotten frustrated with him, and even though I become overwhelmed being a new Mom and pregnant, he takes over. We are the perfect team.

I cannot believe I got this lucky, and to think we started out as a hate fuck to get out it out of our systems, and we both fell hard while discovering each other. Now almost two years later we're married, have a 15-month-old baby boy and I'm three months shy of giving birth to our daughter. Who by the way is totally going to look just like her Daddy too. I opened myself up to feel, to love, to be happy, and I'm the luckiest woman in the world because of it.

Discovering You (You Series, Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora