Jordan - Six

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6 - Jordan

I dropped Summer off and waited for her to get into her building before leaving the parking lot. Her scent was all over my car, completely surrounding me, and it was driving me insane. This shit doesn't happen to me. I'm not a fucking simp and it's pissing me off. When I got back to my place, I went straight to my room showered and went the fuck to bed.

The start of the week was fucking insane. Wednesday morning, I was sitting in the office at my desk uncomfortable as fuck in my dress clothes with this dumbass tie on. Professional environment calls for spinning my septum up, my labret is hard to see because of my beard and they don't bitch about it so I don't worry about.

I grabbed my phone and texted my sister.

Me – Can I get Summer's number.

Sissy – To the point today are we?

Me – I've had a shit week.

Sissy – You want to try and take it out on my friend?

Me – You want a play by play of how I want to take your friend to pound town?

Sissy – LOL NO! She's totally your type though, one night. But she thinks you actually hate her.

Me – Hate fucking is a thing.

Sissy – Jesus Jordan.

Me – What?

Sissy – No.

Me – Ansley, you love me.

Sissy – Go talk to Mom that way then come back and ask. Lol

I couldn't even answer her because someone came busting into my office.

"I need you to take me to the hospital." My colleague Dennis came in laughing holding his hand with paper towels. "Nobody else drove but I know you did with that sweet ass car and I need to go before I bleed out." He was looking a bit pale.

"Let's go, I almost brought the bike today. What the fuck did you do?" I stood up pushing my phone into my pocket, shutting my office door behind me. "Leah can you make sure my office is locked, hold all my meetings and calls please." My assistant nodded and Dennis and I just kept walking. We hit the elevator and he looked over at me laughing.

"My fucking assistant scared the shit out of me and I cut my hand in the breakroom. Nothing was intentional she just walked in and started talking and yea." I just laughed and got us to the ER quickly. He was brought back and since I was his ride, I went with him but after finding out what room he was going to be in I headed to the bathroom. When I came back a nurse was in the room so I walked in slowly.

"You're definitely going to need stitches; this is so deep. Seriously just a steak knife?" She tried not to laugh, and I realized I knew that voice.

"Yea, he didn't believe me either." When Dennis pointed to me, she turned around with a smile. I tilted my head down.

"Summer." I swallowed hard.

"Jordan." I know it came out way breathier than she intended because she quickly cleared her throat and took a deep breath before turning back to Dennis. "I'm going to grab someone to stitch this up for you and get you guys back to work." She turned back around, gave me a stiff smile, and walked out of the room. I followed right behind her.

"Of all the places." She stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me.

"I know you are here because of your friend; we don't need to act like we know one another or whatever." I didn't miss the way her eyes raked up and down me. It was quick but I didn't miss it.

Discovering You (You Series, Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon