Jordan - Twenty-Eight

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28 - Jordan

I woke up startled, Summer jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I got up and followed her once I heard her throwing up. I took all her hair in one hand and held it back. She finally stopped and sat back against me, I was sitting on the floor behind her, rubbing her hair back from her face.

"You good darlin'?" She was breathing slightly heavy.

"I don't know where the hell that came from."

"If it helps, I don't know how the hell I didn't puke with you." I laughed. "I don't do well with gagging sounds."

"Good thing I don't have a gag reflex." She let out a giggled and I couldn't help but laugh myself.

"Oh, and that is extremely felicitous for me."

"Shut up dictionary." She laughed again as I kissed her temple.

"You good though really?" She nodded a few times.

"Just trying to breathe normal again at this point. I feel fine, I don't know what the hell was up with that." We both shrugged. "I'm going to stand up now." I laughed.

"I'll help." I helped her up and to the sink where she rinsed out her mouth and brushed her teeth, then we both went back to bed.

I woke up the next morning and slipped out of bed to shave and shower. I hated baby face so much but Tommy's Mom wanted all the guys in our unit to carry him out, saying it is exactly what he would want. She was right, but that didn't make me want to shave my scruff and everything. No choice, uniform means clean face, no piercings. I slid out my labret and tucked up my septum. At least I hit the barber last week so my hair wasn't too insane, though longer on top then approved but oh well. I stared at the mirror almost not recognizing myself. Summer walked in and wrapped her arms around me and settling her hands on my bare chest with her head leaning in the middle of my shoulder blades.

"I know asking if you're okay is a stupid question right now." Her sleeping voice made me smile.

"You being here helps a lot." I felt her smile.

"Glad that I could come with you. Dress blues today?" I sighed.

"Yea, his Mom wanted us to carry him all in our uniforms said it is what he deserved. She's right." I saw her peak her head around and look at me in the mirror.

"And how do you feel about that?" I shrugged.

"I hate being baby faced." She giggled.

"I like your scruffy face, but you are handsome as hell right now too." I smiled and moved her around so she was now in my arms. She placed her finger on the hole of my missing labret.

"Uniform." I widened my eyes and leaned in to kiss her. "Pretty sure I can totally squirt water out of it though." I laughed lightly and when she realized what I said she broke out into a small laughing fit.

"I can see it now, you squirting water at everyone." I joined her beautiful laughter shaking my head. "I've got to get ready." I nodded and hesitantly let go of her. I put my pants on and a white t-shirt along with my socks and shoes and walked out of the bathroom. My eyes went straight to Summer standing there with her hair down in light waves because she's done nothing with it after our shower last night, in a black sweater dress, and dark grey knee-high boots. "What? Is this okay?" I didn't say anything, my voice was caught in my throat over how amazing she looked. "I should change, maybe put on black pants and different heals?" She went to walk over to her suitcase but I grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall next to the dresser.

"Fuck, please don't change."

"You didn't say anything so I just thought."

"You leave me speechless. Constantly." My hand gently grazed her throat. "Fuck, if we didn't have to be there before everyone else. I'd strip this off you just to get my mouth on every inch of your body." I groaned and let out a long breath through my nose. "Every...inch." Her bottom lip slipped between her teeth so I pulled it out by putting my thumb on her chin, then claimed the fuck out of my woman's' mouth. Her hands dragged over my scalp and my hard on was pushing against my pants, and her stomach. She reached her hand down and gripped me, after a mutual moan I pulled away reluctantly. "We need to stop before I can't."

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