Summer - Fifteen

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15 - Summer

I was about to lose my shit. I'm in love with a man, the one calling my name, not the one standing next to me confused as all hell. Tinder dates anyone? The man I'm in love with is standing a few feet away from me looking so defeated, so beat up. I just, I can't bring myself to even look at him after watching him kiss some stupid bimbo in front of me. He doesn't even know how I feel about him, I'm not going to let him hurt me anymore.

"Please, just give me a minute." He begged, and I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Jordan, I'm on a date."

"Please Summer, just one minute." I closed my eyes and looked over at my date.

"I'm sorry Josh, just give me a minute."

"He like an ex or something?"

"The or something would better describe him yes." Josh nodded and walked a few feet away to lean against the side of the building. I walked over until I was about a foot away from Jordan. "Sixty seconds."

"I'm a fucking idiot."

"Obviously Jordan."

"Don't cut into my sixty seconds." He cracked a smile, so did I.


"I'm starting my time over." He stated as his smile faded. "I'm a fucking idiot. You are the only woman I let break any of my rules, ever. I loved watching you shattered them to fucking pieces too. I loved waking up with you in my arms. I fucking miss everything about you, more than just the fucking mind-blowing sex. I miss you; I miss just being with you Summer. I miss watching movies, watching you play video games horribly, and eating fucking takeout and flirting in front of our friends but being sly about it so they don't realize it. I fucking miss you."

"Jordan. You literally just made out with a fucking girl in front of me...on fucking purpose. You've had two months to come to me and tell me all of this shit but I've gotten nothing. Radio silence from you for two months while you went out and tried to drink yourself to fucking death!"

"I didn't try to drink myself to death!"

"Really?" I looked at him with pursed lips. I knew what he was doing.

"I have no idea what fucking actual pain feels like Summer." He laughed. "Until you told me you didn't want to be us anymore. Then I knew fucking pain. This sharp pain in my chest like a fucking knife. And coming from a guy that's been stabbed with a knife, in the chest, that's saying a lot. You know I barely felt that, but that ache, that hole you left when you ended us. That was a completely different fucking world for me."

"YOU DID NOTHING JORDAN!" I threw my hands in the air, at this point Aiden and Cole were standing behind Jordan, just watching. Moral support I guess I don't fucking know. "You literally did fucking nothing. You have had two months to tell me any of this! You chose not to! Then while I'm on a fucking date with someone you decide to try and one up me by making out with some stupid young ass bimbo. Like intentionally kissing her when I looked over and saw you there. I didn't expect you to be here! I..." Tears were running down my cheeks. He took a tentative step toward me and when I didn't move, he took another.

"I'm sorry. I'm a fucking idiot." He put his hands on my cheeks to brush the tears away, but they just kept falling.

"I hate you Jordan, I hate you so much. I hate you for making me feel like I was the only woman in the world that mattered to you. I hate you for making me feel so high on life that nothing could ever bring me down. I hate you for your stupid fucking rules that you let me break. I hate you for shattering my heart and ruining me for every man I'll ever try to be with. I hate you for making me fall in love with you!" I smacked his chest a few times, and pushed him away from me. Then hit his chest a few more times until he pulled me tight against him and just let me cry.

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