Summer - Nineteen

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19 - Summer

I shut my door and leaned up against it bringing my fingers up to my lips. He loves me. I'm fucking giddy and that's so ridiculous. I pulled my phone out and texted the group chat with my ladies.

Me - Guys...someone pinch me.

Ansley - Guessing you just got back from your date with my idiot brother? Do I have a new sister-in-law yet?

Dylan - Details woman.

Emma - Wait! Ansley's brother?!

Me - Yes Emma, the older one lol.

Emma - Pix?

Me - *1 attachment*

Me - And it was amazing. He took me downtown and we just walked around to see all the art, talked and hung out. Seriously best first date I've ever had.

Ansley - OMG that pic you two are seriously the fucking cutest! AHH! And he thought of that? I'm impressed he even knew where the i love you more was at!

Dylan - Cole doesn't believe that happened lol

Emma - Yo, he's hot! Ansley you've been holding out!

Ansley - Ew. He's my brother. Lol

Me - Cole doesn't believe Jordan thought of doing that?

Dylan - Exactly, he's trying to take my phone to text you guys lol he says he's too stupid to think of something cute like that.

Me - Tell him to start taking notes. Lol. Plus, y'all may have Jordan pinned as the dumb one but holy shit is he fucking smart. It is crazy.

Ansley - BURN! And agreed, him and his stupid big words and smartass brain. ugh.

Emma - Omg hahaha

Dylan - *1 attachment*

Dylan - He's literally in the corner pretending to cry.

Ansley - Does that man ever wear a shirt!?

Emma - Dude...he single?

Dylan - He's spoken for. And no, he doesn't ever wear a shirt, unless he absolutely has to. Lol

Emma - Damn...

Me - LOL! Y'all too much.

Ansley - I'm so happy you had a good time!

Dylan - Did y'all know catch up?

Me - We kissed, he said he wants to do this and stuff. Neither of us have ever done that so its new for us...I'm nervous. BUT he did tell me he loved me too 😊

Ansley - WAIT WHAT!

Dylan - Sorry we're talking about the same Jordan, right? Because now I'm not believing this shit.

Emma - I need popcorn for this sitcom lol.

Me - LOL! So, I got to his house and his hand was cut and he asked if I was ever going to stop treating him like he was made of glass.

Ansley - Nope never.

Me - Exactly what I said, lol, told him he shouldn't have made a nurse fall in love with him. Then obviously date, and when we were at my door, he said he loved me too. I feel like I'm in high school, like I shouldn't be this giddy.

Dylan - Aweeee...Again are we talking about Jordan Antonio Lucas? The one that is a fucking child with ADHD? Because like...what?

Ansley - Lol! Omg he really does have ADHD ... which makes that comment 100 times better, and is definitely a child. Lol

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