Jordan - Ten

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10 - Jordan

Saturday morning, I woke up at like one in the afternoon. I didn't even bother showering last night because I was exhausted. Blissfully fucking exhausted. I ran my hand down my face and got out of bed smiling remembering bits of last night with Summer. Damn that woman is fucking amazing. I climbed into the shower and when the water hit my back, I felt the dull sting. Well shit, forgot about that. I quickly got through my shower and got out noticing the hickey she left on my shoulder blade and laughed.

Me – I showered, it stung.

Summer – HAHAHAHAHA! I'm at work with tears in my eyes because of this text! Thanks. Lol

Me – I'm here for the laughs. How you feeling?

Summer – I'm sore still, I'm sure you feel fine...player.

Me – My jaw hurts, so do my balls ma'am thank you very much.

Summer – *embarrassed face* How does that even happen?!

Me – Well eating you out quickly became my favorite thing to do, and emptying my balls four times in one fucking night leaves them a bit sore.

Summer – Lol, I love how blunt you are.

Me – Glad I could be of service 😉. Never doubt me darlin'.

Summer – Trust me I don't. You're a different breed.

Me – Bet ya fine ass I am. When you finished?

Summer – Two am. I just clocked in.

Me – Have a good day.

Summer – Thank you, I'll try.

I threw some clothes on and walked out of my room.

"And he awakens! He hath risen!" Aiden yelled from the couch.

"You're an idiot." I walked straight to the kitchen to make coffee. He followed.

"Holy fuck, your back." He said laughing. I just smiled. "No marks? Well buddy looks like she fucked you, no pun intended, over on that one."

"I told her she could." I spun around and leaned against the counter. His wide-eyes went wider as he walked over to me and poked my collarbone. "I told her she could."

"You don't let one-night lays kiss you most of the time, you let this chick full on scratch the shit out of your back and give you a fucking hickey. Shit bro, pussy whipped much?" I half smiled.

"How was your lay? Must not have been that great since you know you woke up early."

"Na, she sucked. Hotdog down a hallway." I shook my head laughing.

"You want to go to the gym after I drink this coffee?"

"Fuck yea. You sure you got that kind of energy old man."

"Between pre-workout, the coffee, and a fucking energy drink I may die but I'll be awake for a while." I finished making the coffee and downed it in a few sips enjoying the burn. "Go get ready asshole." I put my cup in the sink and went back to my room to grab a shirt and sneakers. Grabbing everything we got in my car and headed to the gym.

"So, how was it?" I just let out a laugh and shook my head.

"Dude you give me details every fucking time come on." I shook my head again. "No fucking fun."

"My jaw and balls hurt; it was that good. That's all you're getting."

"Well, I have never had one of those nights shit." We both laughed as I pulled into the gym, pounded out energy drinks and dry scooped pre-workout, shits gross. "I'm going to die one day because of this." He coughed a few times laughing. We went into the gym and did our thing. Aiden and I were getting ready to walk back out to head home and someone grabbed my wrist. I spun around fast; I don't like being touched by strangers.

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