Summer - Twenty-Three

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23 - Summer

I just got done work and I am fucking furious. Jordan is having a party at his place today, so I'm going to be meeting a bunch of his friends and that's great I'm excited about that. I mean we've been dating for like two months, and honestly everything has been amazing.

Except right now. Right now, I'm pissed at a message I received on Instagram about 10 minutes ago. I have been letting it just stew, I haven't answered or anything.

What is it you ask? It's a fucking video of my boyfriend getting head from some random fucking red-haired bimbo. It was actually time stamped for about 15 minutes ago, so obviously you can understand why I'm so angry.

Angry enough to be that girlfriend.

Me - What are you doing?

Jordan – Eating a salad that Aiden made and deemed 'too spicy' lol. It isn't spicy at all though. You done work?

Me - Has anyone showed up early?

Jordan – Na, just us waiting. Everything okay?

And angry enough to be the girlfriend that just turned into his driveway and stormed in the house smoke probably visibly coming out of my ears. When I entered the living room and saw both Aiden and Jordan wrestling on the living room floor I stopped in my tracks. They both stopped and looking over me confused.

"Hey darlin'." Jordan quickly stood up and walked over to me arms open. I stayed stiff, which earned me a wonderfully weird look. "You okay?" I shook my head no. "What's wrong?" I took a deep breath, pulled out my phone and brought up the video shoving it into his chest. The obnoxious moaning coming from the nasty red head was extra loud. He looked at me confused and put his hand over the phone. The second he picked it up I walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. Aiden got up and watched the video from next to Jordan.

"Dude." Aiden let out with a laugh. Awkward laugh because that's Aiden.

"What the fuck?" Jordan stated then looked closer. "Why the fuck does this shit say it was like 20 minutes ago?"

"How'd a girl video giving you a fucking blowjob!" Aiden laughed but quickly covered his mouth looking over at me.

"Summer, I don't even know when the fuck this was, but it sure as fuck wasn't any time in the past year."

"Seriously!?" I yelled.

"Yea, probably like two or three even." I glared at him. "Look at me, several things. Missing piercings." He pointed to his labret and septum. "My right arm bare from at least elbow down. Obviously..." He pointed to his tattoos. "And, not that you want to watch it again but my dick ain't pierced in it. I got that the month before we met." I had tears in my eyes I was so angry. I was angry seeing my boyfriend basically in a sex tape. "To top it off I have no fucking clue who she is. If I had to guess this was back like at least four years. Are you really going to be mad about me for shit from my past?"

"No, I'm angry because the text she sent with it, stated she couldn't wait to see you today, and that she was hoping you and I weren't actually together which is why she sent the video." I stated not moving from the kitchen but watched Aiden quickly retreat to his room eyes wide.

"Beautiful." He took a few cautious steps toward me. "Listen, please." He kept moving slowly. "We both have pasts that involve sex, and a lot of people. Mine more but I also have four years on you." He laughed. "I don't judge yours and you've never judged mine. I don't even remember this; you think she matters to me?" He closed the gap completely and put his hands on my arms. "I love you. Every single bit of you okay? I was probably wasted when this shit happened, and it most definitely sucked. No pun intended." I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh.

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