Summer - Seventeen

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17 – Summer

A date, this man was just too much. I was laughing in disbelief the entire way back to my apartment. I couldn't stop laughing. I went there to tell him that I wanted to try things between us, but instead ended up leaving with a date without telling him much of anything. Well, you know besides letting it slip that I was in love with him...oops.

I got back to my place and ran in to check what little make-up I had on. Back when we were friends with benefits or whatever, he would always comment on how good I looked when I wasn't all done up, and without realizing what I was doing I started to wear less and less around him. Gaining confidence in the process so it was a win for me.

I took a few calming breaths before grabbing out my phone since it went off while I was driving.

Ansley – Lovey how did it go with Jord?

Me – Well, he sent me back home.

Ansley – WHAT?! I'll kill him!

Me – Lol he sent me back home, so that he could pick me up and take me out on a date. Good thing I don't have plans till tonight...with you.


Me – Lol, you're a goof.

Ansley – Keep saying that, because I expect to be in this wedding.

Me – Lol! We haven't even gone out on ONE date yet!

Ansley – I don't care. This is what I'm alive for.

Me – You sure it isn't for Hayes?

Ansley – not get me started on that gorgeous hunk of a man.

Me – Talk later, Jordan should be here in a few minutes.

Ansley – I envy how good he is with time. Seriously. On point exactly, every time.

Me – Lol love you.

Ansley – YOU TOO! Sis in law hehehehehe <3

Still smiling wide I walked over to the door hearing a soft knock. I don't have a peep hole, but I obviously knew it was going to be Jordan so wouldn't have bothered anyway. But, when I pulled open the door, it was most definitely not Jordan.

"Summer! Hey I was hoping I got the right apartment."

"What are you doing here Jenkins?"

"Well, I've been trying to see if you wanted to hang out. Been texting you since last weekend. No answer so I figured, fuck it go old school." What in the actual fuck?

"I had to change my number." I stated, I didn't but I blocked his. He should have never had it in the first place, and now he knows where I live, great.

"Oh, well here I'll text you."

"Jenkins, I'm waiting for someone I don't have time to do this, and if I'm being honest you showing up at my apartment is super creepy." He settled his arm on the doorframe.

"Shit, you know we had chemistry before you started fucking around with that player goth piece of shit." My eye brows flew up.

"No, we did not." While he continued to talk, I put my foot on the backside of the door so he would have to use force to open it, and with my hand behind the door I texted Jordan.

Me – How far out are you?

Jordan – I just pulled in, about to walk up everything good?

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