Skit, phil turned into a girl toddler

572 29 42

Okay before anything, happy United Nations everyone!!!!!

I was miss Russia lol. But no pageant but whatever.

This is like a ummm they are not ln set or filming time.

This isn't part of their timeline mkay?

Zeal paces back and forth in the room

They are all starting to get worried.

Phil is late, very very late...

Phil will never be 8 hours late, Maybe an hour or two but eight hours is insane.

They are all getting worried.

What if philip got kidnapped??

What if something bad happened to him??

Where in the world is he???

Who would kidnap phil when all of them are in the room, only philip is missing.

Even countries that haven't bren in the story of will never be shown in the story is in the building.

So what happened???

The nations are also very worried.

They have been biting their nails, their anxiety and worry have only been growing.

Till the point to where they can't take it anymore.

They all grabbed their keys and ran straight to their cars.

All expensive and jaw dropping.

They raced as they were driving to phil's house.

When they arrived they immediately ran to phil's door to knock.

Surprisingly, philip did not answer.

All of his boyfriends i mean admirers are not patient. So they kicked Phil's door open.

They all searched the entire house but Philip was nowhere to be found.

They all start to get even more worried, if that is even possible because they are loosing their minds already.

They all slam their fists, they are getting even more stressed.

"where the **** is he?"

"why the **** is he missing????"

"who in the **** took him???"

One after another, curse words and anger are only growing.

"how..... is he?"

They all turn to look at malaysia.

Israel pulled America back from punching Mal's face.

"Merica chill!"

Canada says with sweat dripping from his forehead.

[Completed] The English Twins - AustraliaxPhilippinesxNewZealandKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat