chapter 37 let's get to know each other better

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Soon they arrived at Egypt's Mansion. It's really REALLY big. It kinda has a triangle theme going on.

Phil oy sighs as he walks in, he's getting farther and farther away from his siblings. He's been traumatized of what happened to Australia and so it breaks his heart to live everyday without seeing his siblings breathing.

Egypt knows that Phil is stepping out of his comfort zone and Phil doesn't like to be taken away from his siblings.

Egypt's home is 4 hours away from the hospital. Unlike when they were at Phil's it's only 2 hours away.

"Hey they're going to be alright"

Egypt says to Philip to reassure him.

"I'm here, I won't let them-"

Phil starts to tremble.

"P-phil! Are you okay?!! What's happening!!!! Tell me!"


"Move? Move where?"

"Move you p*** I n-need to pee you son of a b-b****"

Egypt stands there dumb founded. He then tells Philip where the bathroom is.

The servants all turn their heads, trying their best not to laugh.

"Oooohhh whose that?"

Egypt snapped out of his trance.

He sees Libya smilling at him.

He knows what Libya is thinking.



Libya teases her little brother.

The two chase each other around the mansion.


Libya teases, she laughs as she runs away from her little brother.

"oooh father!!!! King ancient Egypt~ lil bro is gaaayyyy~"

Libya teases her little brother again.

They both stop and freeze in fear as sand disperses in front of them.

Ancient Egypt appears, and he doesn't seems to be in a good mood.

"Why are you both running? Isn't it too early for both of your bull*****?? Would you both just zip it?"

Ancient Egypt scolds them both, all he wants is to sleep peacefully in silence I'm his tomb and not be called by his pesty and chaotic children.

"Y-yes father.... We're sorry father...."

Libya says.

"And you've brought another commoner male? How low, i thought since I'm here, you won't go and toy with..... Men"

Ancient Egypt scoffs.

"It's a countryhuman.... You heard what happened in the news, Philip isn't safe in his home and he is given to me, I am responsible for what happens to him since I'm his caregiver!"

Ancient Egypt laughs at his out burst.

"Caregiver? Oh please, I raised you to not life a single finger, are you even helping him? Or are you only giving him more trouble?"

Ancient Egypt laughs at the absurd word that came out of his son's mouth.

"And who might it b-"

[Completed] The English Twins - AustraliaxPhilippinesxNewZealandWhere stories live. Discover now