chapter 36 I'm taking you away

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This is part 1, tomorrow I'll be updating until chapter 43.

Nothing much had happened since Phil's release. Phil talked with quite a few psychiatrists and he wouldn't talk or smile in front of them. Phil would just stay quiet.

It took some time for Phil to open up to Egypt, he trusts Egypt.

Philip told him that he would smile and go back to his old self when his brothers and Asean awoke.

He doesn't even bother eating.

Also after the soup accident..... No one knows who int he world gave Philip the soup everyday. Philip also feels much better since he hadn't eaten the soup in a few days.

It's been really great, he hasn't gotten any nightmares since he stopped consuming the mysterious liquid.

Also, Phil is much comfortable with Egypt beside him, it started with Egypt sleeping on the floor, Phil just needs to be reminded that someone is there with him and he's not alone.

But to the egyptian's surprise, he got more than he had wanted. Philip cuddled and slept next to him every night.

On the first night he thought that he was sleeping, he thought he was having the best dream of his life but no, he was actually sleeping beside his crush.

Philip is like an angel, Phil cuddled him. Egypt got to hug Philip untill they both fell asleep every night.

Everyday is the same, he'd wake up and help Philip up, he'd bring him to the bathroom and bathe Philip.

Of course it was extremely embarrassing for Philip, but who would be there to help him? He can't walk. Egypt was there everyday, everytime Philip went to the bathroom. Philip had him turn his back when he washed his privates.

Philip's who can't walk, receives help form Egypt Everytime he tries to cook. He can't walk but he can use his hands and thus he can still cook.


Phil's morning routine and things he does at school did not really change. Well of course there are many alterations since he can't walk and that his brothers aren't there at school with him.... Philip isn't really close with the Europeans and other countries.

Still Philip tried his best to get through the day. What can he do? He can't complain.....

Philip has been very depressed lately, he's been in very traumatic incidents lately.... It seems to just occur around him. So it makes him so guilty and it makes him feel as if all of this is his fault....

He feels as if he's in another world again..... He feels as if he's again.... An outcast.... Someone whose very different.... Needing to fit in once again...

Everyone tries to be nice but... Phil feels as if he's not fitting in any time soon.

America and Zeal have not been talking to him..... They seems to be avoiding him.... America would never ignore Phil's direct eye contacts. But. . . Lately America has been avoiding Phil's gaze, everytime Phil tried to get close to him, he only runs away....

Phil feels so much like an unwanted outcast.


Egypt calls out to him.

Phil is in a trance, he doesn't respond.

Egypt waves at him, waving his hands up and down, directly at Phil's face.

Egypt raises a brow, confused on what Phil might be thinking so deep about.


Egypt once again called out his name.

Phil then snaps out of his trance, he hears his name getting called.


"Let's go eat!"

Egypt says with a smile. Egypt is smiling only for Philip, whenever Egypt was sad, Phil was always there for him to comfort him with a smile, and so he wants to do the same.

"Need help?"

Egypt asks.

"N-no I'm fine, let's go"

Phil then started to go to he canteen.

It has almost been month since the incident....

Egypt had helped Phil to move everyday. And so to all of Phil's and Egypt's efforts, Phil managed to walk using crutches.

It has been really hard for Philip but, at least he has more freedom than before. Since he can move more freely now.

They both went to the canteen,

Phil looked at the seats, many are empty..... Those seats would have belonged to his brothers.

South and north Fighting at a table, and Japan would be eating with sushi using some chopsticks on another table. It's really a sad day for Phil, he keeps getting sadder and sadder, he can't bare to think about his brothers.

"Philip they are going to be fine...., Don't loose hope"

The Egyptian tries to calm him down. Phil takes a deep breath in. Egypt is right, He should be praying and be positive. He shouldn't dread as if they are all dead.... Well.... Aussie's death had made quite the impact on Philip.... Phil just can't believe that Australia is dead.....

'so this is what that woman meant....'

Phil says to himself, but he can't understand why.... Then it hit him.... He doesn't need to choose any of them... Because........ What if the both of them aren't meant to be with Philip at all...

Egypt claps his hands loudly, this grand Phil's attention.

Phil's heart drop at the sudden loud noise. .

"You should eat"

Egypt says then he spoon feeds Philip, Phil submissively opened his mouth to let the spoon enter.

The food tastes delicious.

"Do you like it Phil? It it delicious?"

Egypt asks the smaller male beside him.

Philip nods, saying yes that the food is delicious and that he liked it.

-part one, I'm running out of time-

[Completed] The English Twins - AustraliaxPhilippinesxNewZealandWhere stories live. Discover now