chapter 38 being ignored

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Philip stayed up late just thinking about what the old woman meant. What does she meant by sun? Phil isn’t the only Countryhuman that has a sun in their flag, and so…. Who could she be talking about? She could be talking about anyone! And it with a slight chance the answer might even be a countryhuman. What does this do? Will this really help him figure out what will happen in the future? With what he understood from this is that, if he makes a mistake then something will definitely go wrong, this is quite the only thing he understood for now. The text is quite long. Philip always slept early and woke up early, it’s rare for him to sleep late. Quite frankly, he only sleeps late if he stays up all night playing fall of duty or playing mobile glegends. Egypt, Libya and Ancient Egypt are all confused on why Philip has still not arrived. Egypt is getting quite worried, he decides to go up to Philip. Egypt stands up and leaves to go to Phil’s room. “is h going to his boy friiieeennnd???” Libya asks. “Quite Frankly Deli isn’t his lover yet but supposedly yes he’s going to him. Ancient Egypt replies. “Are you really alright?” Libya asks. “I’m terrific why? Want me to die? Already? Again?” ancient Egypt replies. Libya sighs. “No I mean…. Are you alright with them being lovers in the near future? Are you alright with them marrying each other?” Libya asks. Ancient Egypt immediately replied. “yes… is there a problem with me agreeing with them?” Egypt replies yes and with a question. “No there’s nothing wrong…. Just…. No one would think that the great and scary king, Ancient Egypt, would be alright with his son bring bisexual and marry a boy” Libya says. Ancient Egypt gets what she is trying to say. Ancient Egypt sighs. “yes, but I shall only allow my son to marry a boy, with a catch of course, and that catch is that he shall only be allowed to marry Philip, no other boy can be allowed to marry him, only Philip” Ancient Egypt explains. Libya nods as she understands what her father is saying. But then….. she remembers the reason why Phil have stopped visiting them….. “but….. what about them?” Libya asks. Ancient Egypt is confused with that question. “whom do you mean by them?”, Ancient Egypt does not understand what his daughter is trying to say. “what are you implying?” Ancient Egypt asks. Libya hesitates to speak…. She fidgets with her fingers. Ancient Egypt doesn’t like the stalling. “Speak” Ancient Egypt says in an inpatient, demanding and threatening tone. Libya gulps. “Them! You know…. Them!” Ancient Egypt is dumbfounded by the response. “Are you f****** with me? If I knew then we would be in the same page together!” Ancient Egypt remarks. “okay okay…. I’m talking about the twins….” Ancient Egypt only gets more annoyed and only glares as he raises his brow In confusion. “which twins?” Ancient Egypt asks. Libya gulps. “Okay…. Okay… the English twins! The English twins!!! I’m talking about the twin sons of France and UK, their first born sons, the one that is like a Butler and a prince, very well mannered and talented and the other one who is like a savage carnivorous being that is always almost half naked wearing a vest or if wearing normal Savannah clothing along with his Savannah hat, he would still have a few buttons unbottoned if not all, Australia and New Zealand” Libya says. “And so? Does my concern, concern them? And isn’t Australia deceased?” Ancient Egypt does not know what his daughter wants. He truly does not care about the twins and why should he care?. “Yes…. But…. Don’t you think that…. Maybe they umm…. Secretly engaged Philip and the twins? One of the twins or With America?” Libya explains her worries. Ancient Egypt is baffled with that. “Nonsense! That’s preposterous! That not possible! If Perla and Kati were to do something like that then they would have engaged Philip with one of SE's sons, Portugal or Spain or Mexico…. Some one that was first! I refuse to believe that Kati and Perla would do such a thing!” Ancient Egypt refuses Libya’s idea. “Stop speaking nonsense and eat!” Ancient Egypt orders, so that helps a daughter would stop. Libya shushed her mouth and agreed.

Egypt knocks on Philip’s door. “Philip? Philip, I’m going to open the door, are you awake?” Egypt calls out Phil’s name a couple of times to make sure if he’s awake or not, and there or not. Egypt then slowly opens the door, He then sees Philip sleeping, snoring and drooling. Egypt chuckles at the scene. He then goes to Philip. Egypt then caresses Phil’s cheek. “Philip, Philip, wake up, wake up honey” Egypt says. He gently caresses Phil’s cheek, making him feels at ease. Philip then slowly opens his eyes, when you wake up early and slept late, you would still be half asleep. “Hngh…. Wh-who?” Philip squints his eyes then he giggles, chuckles happily. “Honey it’s time to wake up now, let’s go eat” Egypt bravely says. “honey? New Zealand you’re so funny” Philip says, thinking that Philip is talking to New Zealand. This broke Egypt’s heart into a million pieces. Egypt forcefully smile. It hurts….. Egypt feels like tearing up. “I-I’m not… I’m not New Zealand Philip” Egypt says. “Huh? Oooohhh Australia! It’s so good to see you! I missed you, you know” Philip says. This breaks the Egyptian’s heart even more. Tears form in the corners of Egypt's eyes. He hugs Philip tightly. Egypt cries, he cries of the fact that everything he does….. every effort he makes…. It’s still not working….. Philip still thinks about the twins. Egypt is sad….. why does Phil like the twins so much? What can Egypt do to make Philip love him and like him? And As Egypt hugs Philip, Philip fell asleep I’m his arms, hugging back. Egypt decides to bridal Carey Philip down to the dining area. A few minutes later, once Egypt sat Philip down on a chair, Philip suddenly wakes up. They all stare at him. "Come on now, eat Philip" Ancient Egypt says to the small filipino. Philip only smiles awkwardly. They all ate together.

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