Back to Normal (chapter 10)

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Today is the day to clear things up. "PHIL WAIT UP" Malay shouts to the small Filipino, running along with Indonesia by his side. Indo and Malay finally got to Phil and the twins. It's morning and it's very early and so they have some time to spare. "Why *huff* why in the w-world.. did you guys *huff* choose In A-ALL PLACES! to go to T-The side of the school and far to the right to this TREE" Indo says while panting and stuttering.
"Sorry guys *Chuckle* but it's because so that no one will come and be rude to the twins" Phil says. "you really are a good Person Phil" Malay says.

"Sorry we Believed in the Rumour" Indo and Malay says to The twins and the twins sighed. "it's alright mates can't beat a realistic fake evidence" Ausie says Not in a cheery tone but in a serious one. The twins aren't used to the serious tone. "So how do we do this?" Indo asks. "Well the plan is Ame would gather up Everyone for about 5 minutes and so You guys have to paste all these pictures of evidence of China all over the school, and lost likely in the most visited places, then we will wait For 30 minutes for everyone to see the pictures, And also you guys along with zeal are going to Activate the speakers and Play the recording, Me, ame and Ausie will make sure that Many have seen the pictures" Philip explains and everyone nods. Zeal gives Indo and Malay earpieces so they can all communicate.

Now they went inside the school and Phil gave Mal and Indo the pictures for then to paste and Zeal and Ausie Are awaiting the signal. Phil is like the mastermind. "Ok America can you hear me?" Phil ask. "Yep Roger that! I've got some Girls and guys following me already" America says. "Main Entrance is Clear! As well as the stairs hall" Ausie says. "Ok Mal and Indo Go" Phil says and they respond with 'Roger!' the two starts the plan and Ausie also Helps them. They go around the School and Paste the pictures while Phil went to the Speaker room. Phil got in and They were nice enough to talk to him. "Hey guys!" Phil says with a smile.

"Oh hey Philip what's up?" "Yo" the people in the Speaker room says. "Do you need anything Phil?" Egypt asks. "Yes we'll can we borrow this room please!, And America is calling everyone," Phil says and he looks to adorable for anyone to say No and so they Nodded and left. "Ok call us when we can come back!" Egypt says while walking away. "I will! And thank you guys!" Phil says while waving with a cute smile. Zeal gets out from his hiding spot. And he looks at Phil. "What?" Phil asks. "Nothing" zeal says. Zeal kind off didn't like the idea of phil using his charm.

they go inside and wait. they plug the device in so they can play it when everything is ready. after they pasted all the pictures through the whole school everyone left at the gathered place. "Phil we are done" indo says. "Phil china is with a large crowd at the ********" Australia says. "Okay then it's time" phil says as he starts to start the speakers. Zeal left to go watch the reactions with Aussie. Phil presses the enter button and all the speakers start. Egypt noticed that the speaker in the room was on and he just thought 'oh, what are they gonna do?' everyone stared at the speakers and waited for the speakers o play a message or something.

China's voice started playing on the speakers and he was saying that the picture was fake and he framed the twins. everyone became shocked and they all stared at china quite disgusted that he did that. now the others feel bad for believing china's lie. and everyone stared to say "shame on you!" "heartless" "disgusting" china just stood there quiet. he lost he got outsmarted and he just clenches his fist in rage but he is the one at fault so he has no power. Aussie and Zeal are just watch him from a far with smug faces. thy are considered nice but they can be pretty sadistic and evil. especially Aussie who is very judge mental and open about it but now he doesn't show it anymore and only shows a good personality and always smiles.

after that they decide to go to Philip first before showing up to the other students. Philip went out for a bit and Indo and Malay are in there and are talking. they are whispering to each other. "what are you guys doing?" Philip asked and they flinch. "N-NOTHING" Mal says. the two then left.

the lovers Mal and Indo apologized to Phil for running off suspiciously and Phil just hid behind them while watching Zeal and Aussie. the students were saying stuff like "We are so sorry" "China is too Evil!" "Forgive us for believing" "Phil was right". and without anyone noticing the twins smiled at Phil and Phil smiled back.

Now they cleared up the misunderstanding and everything is fine now. but Phil can't sleep that night because he can't stop thinking..... why did China do it...... If he wanted to be Phil's friend he could have just asked politely.....they cannot answer yet....... is whom........ are the other people?And what do thy want to achieve?

has anyone figured out who the white hand belongs to? ;) the red hand has been discovered. although are you guys sure about your answers on the white hand? someone may or may not have figured out who the white hand belongs to ;)

There's no Russia interaction and so no the red hand don't belong to Russia and it ain't America.

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