chapter 25 WTF!!!

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Aussie was about to kiss philip on the forehead when they heard Mal's voice, screaming that america is dead.

Zeal woke up, his eyes are wide awake.

Philip is filling up with worry.

The twins in the meanwhile are grinning from the corners of their mouths.


Phil is so worried.

The twins both rolled their eyes, they don't give a damn.

They are actually pissed that phil is worrying about their idiotic little brother.

Honestly the twins don't believe and won't care either way if ame is dead ot not.

If he is, it will only be a favor to them.

"Relax... He's prolly not dead"

Aussie says, rolling his eyes as he pulls philip back to the bed to sleep.

"how can you say that???!!! He is your brother!"

Philip says then runs to where Mal's voice came from.

Aussie and zeal looked at each other
then shrugged, they always tried to kill each other.

They all have been separated, Ame was the favorite but the most stubborn. Ame is the most spoiled out of them.

Nada is also a favorite.

Zeal and Aussie both grit thier teeth.

All of them are blinded, even if they actually like phil....

There are all blinded, blinded by phil's charm. Making them all psychotic and turn on each other and believe that if they are out of the picture then philip will love them.

But of course they have to win phil's heart. eliminating others won't win phil's heart that easily.

Zeal throws a pillow on Aussie's face, making his twin brother fall out of the bed.

Zeal stood up and glanced his brother, meaning 'let's check it out'.

Aussie stood up and nodded, agreeing.

Philip is horrified with what he is seeing

Ame is on the floor.....

Covered in blood....

Phil doesn't want to touch him because he wans to puke because of the smell.

It's making him dizzy.

After a while, zeal and aussie arrived at the scene.

They are happy about the fact that ame is dead.

But then, Zeal noticed something odd....

As phil is crying, zeal and aussie went closer to their brother.

"Ame is dead! We are next!!!!"
Mal says, paranoid.

Then ame wakes up because of Mal being noisy again.

Ame was about to complain about mal being noisy, but he soon realizes then he stands up to reassure phil.

"h-hey im not dead! Im still alive, guys im still alive! I just fell asleep"

They all become dumbfounded, worrying for no reason.

Then the twins in unison both kick him very hard.

America groans in pain.

"gaaad.... What the ****! What the **** is wrong with you twins!"

Ame has a growing headache.

He can't stand his brothers but he is also a jerk.

Philip stops crying, he then hugs america.

"you had me worried" phil says

"im sorry phil" ame replies.

"then what is that red liquid???"
Mal asks.

"it's a special wine, it's our father's favorite and so we have many of these"
Zeal says

"yep, it's called blood sangria, because it looks like blood, ame was probably drunk and fell on the floor when he fell asleep"
Aussie says.

"And you will get dizzy by sniffing it for a while if you have a low wine tolerance"
Zeal adds.

"well now, thank you to our idiotic, dumb*** brother for causing a scene"

Zeal says.

"heyyya, ya guys wanna play along was?"

Ame says.

He then bumps to zeal and aussie.

Ame whispers

"Philip cried when he thought i was dead, let's see if he will for you guys"

"okay let's play phil!!!"

Ame now has a smile, a completely different aura from just a few seconds ago.

Zeal and aussie are both shocked because of what ame said.

He is starting to get really suspicious....

I will update again later guys, because i have class 😅😅

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