chapter 47 you're not real!

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I'm really having a good day today, I haven't had any breakdowns. I'm top one in my class again and exams are finally done  ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

I've decided to be back, to be more serious. Since the book is nearing it's end and I have a lot of books left, It's time to be serious again.

They all rushed down to see South. When Philip arrived, his heart dropped in fear as he sees that his heart beat has stopped.... Philip dropped on the floor, crying. He feels so much guilt and remorse. He feels that this is all his fault.... Philip ran up to south Korea's body.... Phil cries and cries, Hitting his dying body. "It's *sniffle* all my f-fault... I shouldn't have *sniffle* come...  I'm just b-bad luck!" Philip cries out. They all felt pity for Philip. He shouldn't be blaming himself for he has nothing to do with this..... "Phil...." North approached Philip. "It's not you f-"


The machine made a really loud beeping sound. They turned their heads and dropped their jaws in shock. His heart beat is back and steady. "젠장(F*CK NO)" north yells out in disappointment. "South!" Phil calls out his name in relief. South suddenly gasps loudly and sits up. "AHHH HHH HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H F*CK A$$ A$$ MOTHERF*CK*NG 암컷이 날 죽이려고했는데, 누가 그 새끼가 날 죽이라고 명령 했어? (AHHH F*CK THAT B*TCH A$$ MOTHERF*CK*NG B*TCH TRIED TO F*CK*NG KILL ME, WHO THE F*CK ORDERED THAT B*TCH TO TRY AND KILL ME?)" South yells out. He then glares at every woman in the room although it won't matter since he didn't see their face.

"SOUTH! THANK GOODNESS!" Phil is very relieved at this moment. He's very happy to see him breathing. Philip immediately hugged South Korea, this made the South Korean blush in confusion. "H-huh?!? Philip?" "Phil in alright, it's not your fault, I'm fine! I'm alive!" South blurts out. "But.... No! You're not fine! Lay down! Why are you sitting? Your not okay! And you, North! Why are you standing???? What if you both get hurt???" Philip again nags them. They both miss Phil's nagging but the twins still glare at each other in hatred.

They both stare daggers in their eyes, Making remarks with their eyes to continue their fight when they've recovered. Philip then turned his gaze back at them and thus they stopped glaring at each other. Later on, They've settled down and they are all fine and alive. Philip is currently sleeping besides the sleeping South Korean, whilst he sits on a chair. North and the others have returned to their quarters. Phil is tired.

As Phil drifts asleep, he starts to dream. Or that's what he thought.... A distant voice yet it seems close.... Calls out his name gently. "Philip" "wake up" "Philippines" "wake up Philippines" "follow my voice"

"Brother wake up"

Once he heard 'brother wake Up' he suddenly awakens. He looks at every direction possible and he realizes that he's outside the hospital. He's at the area where the patients go to walk around in the morning. He also remembers that this area his locked after 8 pm.... But he's sure that before he drifted asleep it was midnight. Somehow as he dreamt, his body unconsciously wandered the halls until he reached this place. Why did he go here? Why did he sleep walk all the way here?

He shook his head then sighed deeply. He's not sleepy anymore. The night is very dark, only the moonlight is his only light. His fear of the darkness had slowly faded away. Although he seems quite uneasy to be here all alone.

Just before he walks away to leave, he hears footsteps. A sudden chill shook his body.

"How have you been my dear brother?"

Phil's eyes widened as he turned to examine the figure right before his eyes. He can't believe it.... It's del pilar..... But... How? He died right? Right?

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