chapter 32, This will be exciting!

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If you guys are wondering, when will this end? Hmm? When?

Well including my texts like this on the chapters, this book has 67,065 words

Including any word I say like merry Christmas like I'm doing now, these texts are included in the word count, but excludes the one shots like the Phil turned into a baby, the word count there isn't included but these are.

So when the word count hits to over 100,000 this book will be over that's also what I will do to my other books.

So thank you, now let's go on with the chapters, I don't update as much because my phone FOR SOME REASON, says there no internet even if everyone in the house are using the internet like LMAO.

Alrighty I'll shush now.

Philip keeps thinking about the venue, it's almost time.

Phil just can't feel at ease, he feels as if something bad is going to happen z but something tells him that he should also got the venue.

he feels that something bad is going to happen.... somewhere... just... he can feel it....

Philip sighs and he groans.

"gah! why why why?!!! Phil! keep yourself together! it's a reunion! you should be great full!"

Philip says to himself

he can't believe that on such a joyous day, he keeps being pessimistic and skeptic. not of Asean but..... something feels off for him....

and again he's pissed because he locked his window but again, it's open and now there's more dose petals scattered everywhere.

last time it was only one petal...

he hates his thoughts along with the pranking, or so he thinks, or just maybe it's just some a secret admirer.....

Philip attracts everyone....


Egypt and the Korean twins are coming over so that they could all have Phil to themselves before it's time to go.

Philip sighs, because of the stressful thinking, he dozed off.

"Name of Patient?"

"it's a country, you're so lucky girl! it's Vietnam!"

the other female nurse says, quite jealous of the fact that the other nurse gets to serve a country.

serving a country is very honorable

"okay so what am I going to do again?"

the other nurse asks, rushing.

"oh girl, he's on the 5 floor, 506, you just have to give him his medicine and his food, he's quite active now but it's best to feed him yourself but if he's asleep then just put his food and medicine beside him"

the other cheerful nurse tells her her task for the day.


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