The Jose Callers (chapter 12)

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Phil is dreaming about the time when he was a kid and is under Apollo's care. Phil is with his other adopted siblings like Israel, Thailand, Cambodia, Taiwan, south Korea ,North Korea, malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Brunei and China.

They are forming a circle and Phil is in the middle of the circle. They are singing a song and Calling Philip Ma-i. Phil is enjoying it and is very happy playing with them. Asean calls them to go and eat and so they break the circle. "Out you go out dear Ma-I" Brunei says and Phil giggles.

"Here you Go Angel Ma-i" Israel says and gives Phil a Flower. Phil takes it. "Thanks Isra" Phil says with a bright smile. "Let's go eat Ma-i" China says. "I'll catch up with you guys, I'm just going to get some flowers" Phil says and the others nod and go to the table. "Ok Phil but don't go too far" Asean says. "Opo papa Asean" Phil says with a smile and he runs off.

As the other are eating their sandwiches Phil is there just picking some flowers happily but then he hears a sound saying help. And he follows it.

He goes through the tall rose bushes and luckily he did not get hurt. He then sees a river and he sees a few droplets of blood. Phil is shock and he knows that someone probably got thorned when they fell in the bush but he can't see anyone.

He looks around but sees no one and then he sees a hat floating in the water and he gasps in shock and he goes in the water as quick as he can.

The current was strong but Phil luckily managed. He sees a child there, his shirt stuck on a rock. Phil quickly pulls the boy up and Phil also almost drown but thankfully he yanked the boy up and dragged him to the shore.

The boy is taller than him. But I'm his dream he is glitching. He is blurry but he can see everything else fine and clear. Here in his dream Phil did not react differently and wonder why he is glitching but it's because it's a memory?

But he can't remember the face. Once the boy recovered and opened his eyes he is very thankful for Philip. "Тнаик чфо7_&±9⅛дщ⅝27 8⅞ г owerrdid 6yuuu maidiebwo¿ L-l-llllыадlllllll iiiiiiii8⅞9∅2№6¹" in this dream Phil can understand him but the Philip now can't hear his voice. It's a glitchy mess.

Seems like the boy is thankful for Philip's kindness and even wrapped his wounds. Phil brought the boy to Asean. When the boy says "Ma-i" Phil wakes up.

The word Ma-i is the only thing that Phil understood clearly from the boy. He can't see the boy correctly. It's like he can't remember his face.

Phil wakes up and he feels bad and guilty. It isn't his fault because he hit his head and caused him to forget the people he met but he still feels guilty for not remembering the people from his past like China.

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