Chapter 25

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"I'm so excited!!!" Angelica squealed as she looked out of the window, looking down at the New York skyline for the first time with her own eyes.

I looked over and smiled as her eyes looked huge, taking everything in. "It's the best city in the world. I'm going to try and show you as much as I can, baby."


I winced as I realised what had just left my lips and Angelica didn't miss a trick. She heard me just fine.

"Awww. Did you mean to say that, Mr Romano?" Her hand found my thigh as her gorgeous eyes locked on to mine.

I wasn't sure if I did or not. But I said it, so I guess I must have and I enjoyed how it sounded.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I did." Leaning across towards her, our lips met in the middle.

"Seatbelts, please."

Our moment was interrupted as the old air hostess pointed down towards our seatbelts. She looked disgusted by us. I'm pretty sure she could see the age difference between us and judged. She knew we were having an affair. I could tell by the distaste is her face and in her voice.

She was the first person to see us intimate together and I'll be honest, I don't think I will ever forget her look. More proof that what we were doing was completely wrong but she didn't know the full story so she could keep her judgement to herself.

I almost shouted at her as she walked through the middle of the plane. "Judge us all you want but my wife is fucking her Dad, so we're just getting even!"

But I didn't. I knew it was just my paranoia kicking in.


"Uber? Or Yellow taxi?" As we stood outside of JFK airport with our luggage I could sense Angelica's excitement was growing.

"Yellow taxi, of course!" She squealed and clapped her hands as I hailed down the next available taxi.

I glanced over and smiled but couldn't deny that moments like this did make me question everything. I know she was excited and it was cute but there are times the difference in age really did show.

I hated that I was beginning to second guess myself and I know this stemmed from the air hostess judging us but my mood was somewhat less enthusiastic than it had been on our way to the airport. Plus, going through security scared the living days out me. Every look by one of the huge men holding guns and looking fiercely towards me made me panic and flashback to seeing Kevin's body hurtling down towards the water.

It was only a matter of time before someone realised he was missing and Angelica would be the first person they would want to question.

Breathe, Joe. Breathe.

"Oh my God! I'm so excited." Angelica slammed the door to the taxi as she bounced up and down in her seat. "What are we doing first? Central Park? Times Square? The Empire State Building?"

She was beginning to annoy me already.

What have I done?

"Firstly, we need to go to the hotel and then I need to go to the office. I have a few meetings today before we can do anything, I'm afraid." I pulled my phone from my pocket, I had to text Emma to let her know we arrived safely.

"That's boring! I thought this was going to be a fun few days away?" Her excitement soon faded when realisation hit.

"I'm pretty sure you knew this was a work trip. They're not fun, Angelica. Why do you think Emma declined? She's been on plenty of these and knows how they go."

"Oh, so I was second option was I?"

I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window cursing myself for what I had done.

"Don't worry about it, I'm a big girl I can take a look around myself while you're 'working'." Using those inverted commas with her fingers.

Real mature.

"Just be careful. New York is a big place and even bigger when you have no idea where you're going."

She didn't respond. I could tell she was annoyed but I didn't care too much. She knew what this was and the way she was acting I would be quite content doing our own thing for the whole trip.


Her mood soon changed as we entered the hotel suite. My company always booked the best for their employees and this room was huge! 3 bedrooms, one with an en-suite, a separate bathroom with a walk in shower and a huge tub. The king size bed in the main room was soon crumpled as Angelica threw herself on to it. And the breathtaking view of this beautiful city.

"This bed is so big, I'm going to have to phone you to communicate!" She kicked her feet up and down against the sheets. Clearly our little argument earlier on in the taxi had now been forgotten.

"How long is your meeting going to take?"

I shrugged. "An hour, maybe two depending on how it goes."

She spread her legs on the bed. "You don't need to go right this minute, do you?" Biting her lip as her eyes turned seductive in an instant.


Well, that argument didn't last for too long, did it?

The New York adventure begins! What does the city have in store for Joe and Angelica?

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