Chapter 36

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I knew this was a bad idea and nothing good could come from this meeting but yet here I am, sat in my car outside Lyn's house checking myself out in the mirror, making sure I have no dinner stuck in my teeth and spraying myself once more with cologne.

This wasn't a date, Joe!

Lyn messaged to say her parents were heading out at 7:30 and to wait for her text to come in. I sat in hope that her parents had changed their plans and decided to stay in for the evening, praying their front door stayed as shut as it was right now. It was 7:43 now, so my prayers could have been answered.

But as my excitement built, the hand of fate dealt me another crashing blow. As planned, Lyn's parents walked out of the door hand in hand. Lyn's father looking rather sharp in a tuxedo and her mother dressed in a stunning ball-gown. Where were they heading looking so good?!

As their car reversed from the drive, my phone which was on silent, soon lit up, filling my dark car with brightness.

'The coast is clear. Come in.'

Fuck! Here we go!

You'd have thought by this point my stomach would have been used to the feeling of dread and panic given how the past few weeks had panned out but seemingly not. That all too familiar feeling rooted firm in the pit of my gut.

Then my phone lit up a second time. It was Lyn, again.

'I haven't got all day. Don't waste my time!'

What the fuck? When did she turn into this little bratty bitch?

One final deep breath and I made my way from the car and up the path to her house. Bracing myself before ringing the doorbell.

This girl knew exactly how to push my buttons. I stood waiting at the door for what felt like an eternity. I'd been there that long, I started to think I was at the wrong house. Then at the moment, I turned around after deciding to give up and not play along with her games any more, I heard the door open.

"Leaving so soon, Joe?"

There was that feeling in my stomach once again, this time it felt like a watermelon had been thrown down my throat and bounced into my stomach.

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes when I laid them on her.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

She stood in the doorway, the light from the porch gleaming down on her like an artist on stage at a concert.

Dressed in a low cut black lace babydoll which opened below her breasts, her slim, toned stomach on show only twinned with lacy black panties, her caramel legs glistening and clearly freshly shaven, one foot propped up against the doorframe as she laid her black curly hair to the side, resting against the door.

"You can't leave me standing here like this for all the neighbours to see now, can you? Come in."

How is this happening again???

Caught between a rock and a hard place, I headed in. I knew what she was doing but I promised myself I wouldn't give in. I can't do this again. As gorgeous as Lyn was and she made it damn clear from the moment I had met her what her intentions were, I didn't think this was the reason she wanted me here tonight.

As hard as I resisted, it was almost impossible to take my eyes away from her ass as she walked in front of me as I closed the door behind me. As I followed, it was clear where we were heading as she made her way towards the staircase.

"Lyn, can we chat? You said you wanted me to talk, so can we talk? It seemed pretty important."

She turned around on the staircase and smiled. "Oh, it is very important. Life changing in fact but I want you to fuck me first. Because what I have on you, means this could be the final chance I have to get that cock inside me."

It wasn't an overreaction to say my life flashed before me as she finished her sentence. She knew much more than she originally let on and it all made sense now as to why Angelica was so off with me earlier and why she ended it so soon. Whatever Lyn has on me also incriminates her. 

I stood at the bottom of the stairs with my mind running wild and at 100 miles per hour.

Was this the reason she's moving house?

Is she planning on running before the police catch up with us?

David must know....Emma??? The kids???


I looked up at Lyn who was now running her finger tips across her toned stomach. "Come on Joe. One final bang?"

I shook my head. "No, not until you tell me what the fuck is going on, Lyn."

She smiled as she walked back down the stairs. "That didn't sound like a no to me. Fine, I'll tell you everything on one condition."

"Anything." I reply.

"You promise to fuck my brains out as soon as I'm done?"

I had no intention of doing any such thing but I nodded and agreed anyway just to get the ball rolling. I can't have this hanging over me any longer.

"Good. Come in here and let's chat in the kitchen. I'll be back in a minute, let me cover up. I must admit, I'm a little disappointed in you, Joe. I went to a lot of effort to look like this for you. I know how much you love 18 year old girls putting it on a plate for you..."


I smiled sarcastically as she walked out. I found myself vulnerable. I was in this strange house in a room all alone not having a clue what the next conversation had in store for me and how much my life could change.

Nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen...


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