Chapter 34

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A week or so had passed since I returned home. Life was as normal as it could be.

Communication between myself and Angelica was almost non-existent. I sent a couple of messages which were not returned, so decided to leave the ball in her court. She'll contact me again when she needs me.

David had also been very quiet, I hadn't seen him since he apparently fixed the shower for us.

Emma was being very loving towards me, her sex drive was high as it ever had been. Part of me thought she was trying to hide the fact I had almost caught her cheating but the rest of me was loving this new found insatiable side of her.

Zack was much better, he had a slight cold but nothing too worrying. He woke up the following morning with the sniffles but his temperature had subsided but it did give him a couple of days off of school to which he wasn't complaining about.

I hadn't responded to any of the 10 messages Lyn had sent since. I didn't see the point. Angelica had already told me that she knew about us, so by meeting her wouldn't be giving me any information I didn't already know but the message I was staring at now did have me slightly concerned.

'Joe, don't make me take this to the police because I will. Now, meet me in the coffee shop TODAY! I'm on my break at 1pm. If you're not there, you can expect a knock at the door from the police.'

Was she bluffing? Was this just to force my hand into meeting?

I couldn't take the chance. I knew she was there that night because she saw us. How long after was she there for? Whatever her game was, she won this round. I had to meet her, just to keep my nose clean.

'I'll see you at 1'

As much as I needed and wanted this to go away, I knew it never would. It was something I would have to live with for the rest of my life, regardless of whether his body washes up someday. His blood was on my hands and no amount of washing was going to clear it.


The drive to the coffee shop seemed like a blur. Anxiety was coursing through my body. What does she know? What does she want?

I took a deep breath in as I walked into the coffee shop. The gorgeous familiar aroma of their house coffee filled my nostrils as I walked in. The usual rush of comfort I found in this place had been replaced by a feeling of dread.

"Nice of you to finally answer me, Joe. Coffee?"

She wasn't her usual flirty self, she had an air of arrogance around her today. Like she knew she was one step ahead of me. Or maybe, just maybe seeing Angelica and I together and physically watching us be intimate together had just turned her into a jealous bitch who had lost out on someone she wanted to a friend.

"No, thank you. Just here to chat. I assume whatever you want to discuss shouldn't take that long."

Without an answer we both walked over to a quiet table in the corner of the room. The place was heaving with the usual lunch time rush. That struck me as odd too, if what she wanted to say was that damning, she wouldn't do it in a place as crowded as this.

"What do you want, Lyn?" I asked as soon as we both sat opposite each other.

A wry smile appeared on her face as her eyes turned to focus on a coworker who laid down her iced coffee for her. "Thanks, Kerry."

Her eyes were soon back on my as she placed the straw between her lips, taking in a mouthful of drink. Licking her lips as she finished before answering me.

"You know that I know, right?"

I nodded a response.

"But what Angelica doesn't know, is that I know a lot more than what she thinks I do."

"What do you mean?"

She smiled, running her hands through her long, curly hair as she sat back with an air of confidence about her. "If I gave you that much information, it wouldn't be as fun, would it now, Joe?"

"Again, what do you mean?"

She smiles as she stands up, grabbing her drink and leaning in towards me. "Meet me at my place tonight at 8pm and bring your bank details. You're going to need them."

"Bank details? Are your trying to blackmail me, Lyn?"

"Trust me, Joe. Once you see what I have on you, there will be no need to 'try' blackmailing you." She uses her fingers to accentuate the try.

I squint my eyes towards her in an attempt to read her face to see if she is bluffing.

"I'll see you at 8."

And with that she walks away with an added bounce to her already flirtatious walk. Now usually I'd enjoy watching her ass as she walked away but today I wanted to grab her by her curly black hair and force her back to the table but given that we were in a packed coffee shop that wouldn't be the wisest of moves.

"Bitch!" I whisper to myself as I stand up and walk towards the exit. Eye contact with Lyn at a minimum.

As I reach the door and pull it open, I hear her voice once more, this time refusing to turn around and acknowledge her.

"Have a nice day, Joe."


What does Lyn have on Joe that she didn't divulge to Angelica?

Or is she bluffing?

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