Chapter 18

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It was 8:45, Emma and I had hardly spoken since the argument earlier. The kids were tucked up in bed, leaving Emma downstairs alone to stew in her thoughts. I headed into the shower and got myself ready for the evening ahead.

As I headed downstairs, I grabbed my car keys from the tray. "I'm going out, don't wait up."

I then heard her bare feet hitting the floor from the sofa, the cute sound of her skin on the wooden floor not as cute as it sounded earlier in the day. "Where are you going at this time?"

"John invited me over for a drink to go over a few things before New York. You'd think he would have gone himself if it's this important but I have no way out." I shrug my shoulders as I jangle the keys nervously in my hand hoping she's bought the lie.

"Fair enough. Do you know I'm sure you're married to that job rather than to me at times. Have fun." She turned around with her hand up in the air, moody as hell.

"At least the job doesn't argue back." I mumble.

Emma turns on her heels, her eyes darting right into mine. "What was that?"

"I said, I'll try not to be too late back."

She shot me a quizzed expression, not sure she believes that's what I said or not but she didn't argue, just turned away and headed back on to the sofa.

I let out a huge sigh of relief as I closed my car door. My lies were beginning to build up, the anxiety in my mind was growing by the minute, as I lay my head back on the headrest, I couldn't help but feel guilty about what I was doing. My marriage was perfect up until a week ago, but she's caused this, she pushed me into someone else's arms.

Anger began to take over as my mind raced, thoughts swirling around like a washing machine in my head and then it struck me.

"Fucking bitch!" I mumbled as the realisation of why both Emma and David were so insistent on me taking Angelica away.

They wanted us out of the picture!

They wanted a week to themselves to continue this affair without having to sneak around from us both. Well, two can play that fucking game! Literally.

I turned the car over and sped away from my drive. My girl was waiting for me in that sexy red bikini by the lake and it was time for me to show her a good time.


As I parked up in the very secluded car park and made me way into the woods, towards the lake. I could hear music and laughter in the distance. My nerves were high. What was I doing? How creepy for a man my age to turn up to a party full of drunken, horny teenagers?

The thought of Angelica in that bikini was all that was stopping me from turning around to my car and heading somewhere more age appropriate.

As I reached the banks of the lake, I heard a familiar voice screeching my name.

"Joe!!! You made it. I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Lyn's arms draped around me as her head falls into my shoulder.

"Hey Lyn, I see you're in the party spirit already."

She giggled. "I'm so drunk, Joe. So if you want to take advantage of me. Nows your chance!" She lifter her finger up to my lips.

"I'll keep that in mind." I moved my arm around her waist to guide her back to the large gathering around the fire. "Take a seat, Lyn. I'll be right back."

Her eyes began to roll along with her head as she sat down. Fuck, she was out of the game already. I needed a drink, if only to try and begin to blend in. I headed to one of the coolers and grabbed two bottles of beer. That should keep me going for a while and enough just to take the nerves off slightly.

I stood on my own a bit further back from everyone, checking my surroundings making sure there was nobody here I knew who could potentially drop me in the shit. So far, so good. Although there was no sign of Angelica anywhere.

Lyn seemingly found her second wind as I watched her slowly get back on to her feet, throwing her arms up in the air, swaying and dancing to the music. I'd be lying if I said I still wasn't a little tempted to take her up on her offer should the time come as I watched her beautiful ass moving perfectly to the music. Her black bikini doing wonders for her body. The majority of the boys here couldn't take their eyes off of her. She was the star of the show so far.

Part of me wondered whether or not these boys intentions were good. Were they watching her fall further into oblivion before making their move? Or were they watching her to make sure she was okay? I was hoping it was the latter but my parental instincts would make sure she was kept safe tonight.

Time was passing and still no sign of Angelica, I looked at my phone to check for any messages and typically, no signal. Was I wasting my time? It was 9:40 and had just managed to polish off my first beer, placing the bottle down beside me as I picked up the other. She had until I finished this one to get here, if she doesn't show then I decided I would admit defeat and head home or potentially take Lyn up on her offer before she became too wasted.

I looked around to see her flirting with a couple of guys but I think her drunken state wasn't something they were into. Maybe I should cut my losses completely and just leave and take Lyn home safely before she got herself into any real trouble.

"Lyn!" I shouted down towards her to grab her attention. She looked up and me a smiled.

"Ooooh hey Joe!!"

"Lyn, I think your Dad is here to pick you up!" One of the guys shouted from a distance.

Cheeky fucker! I'm not that old but proved to me that I probably did stick out like a sore thumb in this crowd and made my decision to leave now a little easier. I downed the remaining content of my bottle and threw it in the trash.

"Come on Lyn, I think we should get you home. You're a little wasted." I put my arm out around her shoulder.

"But I don't wanna leave. I'm having so much fun!"

"I know but if you carry on drinking honey, you might make a complete fool of yourself and I don't want that for you, so let's go to my car and I'll drive you home." I pulled her in closer to my body, protecting her from harm.

"Boooooo! I thought you were more fun than this Joe! But fiiiiine! I'll go and if you're lucky, I might just suck on your cock as you drive."

I couldn't help but laugh and play along with her knowing full well she'll be asleep in seconds once we start to drive. "Oh, is that so?"

"Uh-huh." She nodded drunkly. "I've been told my blowjobs are the best in town....ask Justin!" She stopped us in our tracks as she turned around towards the group again.

"Isn't that right, Justin?!" She shouted into the night air toward nobody. She must have known this Justin was around somewhere but wasn't quite sure where.

No answer.

She turned back as we continued to walk into the woods. "It's true, I blew his fucking mind!"

"That's good, Lyn. I'm sure he had a great time."

"Oh yeah he did. Fucking small dick though!" She stumbled as she spoke, I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

"Come on, let's get you home."

As we made our way through the dark woods, a crack of a twig and the rustle of fallen crunchy leaves came from behind followed by the voice I'd been waiting to hear all night.

"Leaving so soon, Mr Romano?"


Guess who?!

Is this the moment the party really gets started?

Would Joe have taken advantage of Lyn if given the chance?

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