Chapter 2

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The working day dragged like never before, thoughts swirling through my mind like a whirlwind.

What was she doing in there with him? Why did she come back when she knew I was out? Why didn't she come in the house? She would have seen my car parked back beside hers.

I needed to get to the bottom of this. Tonight.

I had tried calling Emma all day but due to her taking classes, her phone was switched off. There was no point in texting her, that way she would have a chance to think of a lie to tell me. I was going to catch her unaware.

That way, there would be no hiding place.

Maybe I should pay an unexpected visit to David before I go home. To see if there stories match. Play them against one another. One of them is bound to slip up.

It was 4:30pm, time for me to leave the office and get to the bottom of this.


Traffic was horrendous. I needed to be at the school for 5pm to pick the kids up from their after school club. Any minute after 5 and the fuckers would charge me extra. I appreciate the option is there for working parents but come on. As many people know, it's almost impossible to run your working life like clockwork everyday.

I managed to reach the school just before 5pm. After a few exchange of pleasantries between myself and the members of staff and we were all back in the car, headed home.

"How was school, kids?"

Zack as always couldn't contain his excitement in telling me about his day. "It was so much fun, Daddy. I played in the sand all day, we built little sandy castles and Zoe....Zoe....Zoe ate the sand." The memory of his classmate eating the sand was clearly as hilarious now as it was earlier in the day for him. The giggles just kept on coming. And can we please take a moment to appreciate him calling them sandy castles! This boy was just too adorable.

"You okay, Izzy? You seem quiet. How was your day?"

I looked in the rear view mirror to see my daughter looking forlorn and distant.

"It was okay. Not as much fun as Zack's."

Her gaze turned to the window. "Well let's hope tomorrow is better for you, yeah?"

Her attention was lost to the passing world outside. Something told me that she wasn't telling me everything. I'd have to work on that when we got home.

"So, what would you two like for dinner? Anything special?"

Unsurprisingly, Zack was first to answer. "Daddy. Please can we have chicken nuggets and pasta?"

Ah, Pasta! There's the Italian in him coming out.

"And you, Izzy?"

Her attention is drawn away from the outside world for a split second. "I'll have the same, please."

This was unusual, they never agreed on dinner. I look back in the mirror to see my little girl lost once more to the world passing us by in the car.

"Okay, baby girl. Can daddy see a smile?"

Her big green eyes look up at me and her cute little crooked smile lights up my heart. I can tell she's hurting but can't quite yet figure out why.


As we pull up on to the driveway of the house, Emma is still not home. I'm guessing she had later classes today but after what happened this morning, it's easy for me to doubt anything she says at the moment.

We all jump out of the car, Zack runs up behind me and grabs my hand, I watch as Isabella solemnly walks off towards the front door. I'm stood caught between going home or whether I should march over to David's front door to get his version of events from this morning but my heart leads me towards my own front door as I watch Izzy slump against the wall beside the door, her head hanging low, kicking air slowly with her foot. Patiently waiting.

"Come on, Daddy. I want pastas please."

Pastas! This kid!

"Come on buddy, let's go and fill that little tummy of yours, yeah?"

He releases his grip from my hand and skips off towards his sister. But I have a nagging feeling in my mind. I need to go and sort this out with David before it drives me crazy.

"Hey, kids. Daddy is just going to run next door to see if they have any pasta as I think we're all out." I say as I open the front door for them.

"Why don't you two go in and watch a cartoon? Daddy will be back in a minute. Okay?"

"Okay daddy. Go get the pastas for my tum tum!" Zack says as he runs off towards the living room.

Kissing Izzy on her forehead. "Look after your little brother please Izzy. I won't be long."

She smiles up at me and nods. "Okay daddy." I watch as she follows her brother into the living room, throwing her school bag to the floor in the hallway.

As my feet begin leading me across the gravel driveway that separates our two houses, my heart begins to pound out of my chest. How was I going to play this? More worryingly, what was about to find out? I'm not expecting an instant resolution to this. It's not like he's going to come out straight and tell me he is actually fucking my wife, is he?

In all honesty, I'm not sure what I'm expecting but I just need him to know that I'm aware.

My nerves feel like they are actually shredding my insides as my finger presses down on the doorbell.

Oh fuck.

My eyes widen as the door begins to open, unveiling long, slender golden legs, a gorgeous toned body and sun kissed golden hair and her piercing green eyes looking directly into mine. Dressed in denim shorts that barely covered anything and a tight white tank top. This girl was a goddess.

"Hey, Mr Romano."

"Hi Angelica."


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