Chapter 39

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The following two days were a complete blur. I had to stew in my own downfall, share a bed with a wife, I knew had been intimate with another man and was planning on leaving me for him. My mind completely blown knowing my life was crumbling around me and there was nothing I could do about it.

Emma could sense I knew something. I was quiet around the house, I could barely acknowledge her, conversations were few and far between. When they did happen they were very short, direct and to the point. I needed to get out.

Each time I looked at and hugged the kids, it was in the back of my mind that this could be the last time I was to ever hug them. I needed the bank to come through for me. I knew it meant my kids would be leaving with their Mother when she eventually picked up the courage to tell me she was moving out but transferring this black mail money would at least mean I could still be in their lives, even though it would be on courts orders as to when I was allowed to have them.

I had another meeting at the bank this morning. I looked up at the clock. 8:30am.

I had twelve hours to get the money together or this morning would be the last time I woke up in a comfortable bed for the rest of my life.

"I'll take the kids to school. I don't have to be in the office until later this morning."

Emma nodded. "Okay, I have a few things to do this morning any way, so you're doing me a favour."

I smiled and nodded as she walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Happy Birthday."

The kiss felt cold. I shivered against her touch, her lips were not longer mine and I didn't want them on my skin.

"Thanks." I replied and walked to the staircase without another word to Emma. "Come on kids, we're going to be late!"

"YAAAAAY!! Daddy is taking us to school today!" Zack came charging down the stairs with his arms out wide, his body crashing into my legs as he wrapped his arms around me. I leant down and kissed the top of his head, taking in his unique smell for possibly the final time.


The drive was much quieter than usual. I think the kids could sense the atmosphere seeping from my pores. Izzy more so than Zack as she kept asking me if I was okay. Which was cute but each time she asked broke my heart just that little bit more.

"Daddy is fine. He just had a lot of work to do. Don't you, Daddy?"

"That's true, Zacky boy! One day, you'll both have important jobs." My eyes began to fill with tears as I looked back at them both in the rear view mirror.

It killed me knowing that they knew how much my work had taken up time with them
over the years. I knew I was married to the job but it wasn't until this moment, right here, right now that I knew how much I had prioritised work over my family and I would do anything to take it back.

But it was too late. I had that opportunity to put it right in the future taken away from me even though deep down I knew I probably had taken it away myself with my actions, I wasn't ready to take full responsibly, just yet.

As we pulled up to the school, I couldn't help shake the feeling that this would be the last time I saw them excited and running into school with their friends.

A tear fell down my cheek as I kissed them both, grabbing both of them for one big long lasting hug. Trying my best to hold in my emotions.

"Bye Daddy. I love you. Happy Birthday!" Izzy kissed my cheek before turning around, running to catch up with her friends.

"Bye Daddy. Don't forget to be back for your party tonight." Zack looked up at me, the smile soon disappearing. "Oh no!" I could hear the lump in his throat.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I fell to a knee, to meet him at his level.

"Mummy said not to tell you about the party and I did. Oh no!"

I pulled him in for a hug. "Don't worry, Zack. I won't tell her that you told me. I will act surprised, okay?"

The reassurance seemed to work as his eyes lit back up again. "Okay. Love you Daddy."

And with that he forgot about it and ran off into the playground towards his classroom.

I wiped the trail of the tear that had fallen from my cheek and rose to my feet. Walking back to the car, I could see someone resting against the hood of the car. Before I had the chance to tell them to get off, my eyes adjusted and I recognised the figure I was no approaching.

"Well, that was a sweet goodbye. I must admit, it almost choked me up, but don't worry. They're in safe hands with me. I'll make sure they get to school in time when you're not around."


It took everything I had not to punch him square on that huge fucking chin of his and ignored the fact he was even there, choosing to walk passed him without acknowledging his presence.

"Don't ignore me, you piece of shit! I let you have my daughter without a word. So if I want to talk about your kids, then you will stand here and talk to me like a man."

I could see a vein popping out from his neck but I didn't have time or the patience for this 'who's got the bigger dick competition'. I had to attempt to salvage some sort of life for myself, so again ignored him and closed the car door just as he reached me.

He was screaming at me through the window, spit speckling my window as he continued to hurl abuse in my direction which had now caught the attention of the school staff who were making their way over to us.

I rolled the window down and looked him dead in the eye. "Go fuck yourself!"

He smiled and pointed to his watch. "The clock is still ticking, Joe. Not long now. I have friends on the inside who will make your life a living hell. Oh and for the record..."

I pulled the car away before he could finish but he yelled it loud enough for me to be able to catch it as I drove off as well as the parents and staff who were in ear-shot. "I'll continue to fuck your wife instead of fucking myself."

I'd never felt such a sense of relief as I just did. I look back in the mirror to see him surrounded by staff who were trying their best to calm him down but it looked to be fruitless as he was still fixed on my car, hurling abuse towards me, his arms waving around like a maniac.

Now my main focus was reaching the bank. Thankfully, the appointment was with a close friend who I know would try his best to get the money I need to me and in time.

The meeting yesterday was with a new guy who was clearly still trying to stick to the rules and wasn't bending at all.

Fucking jobsworth.

I had every faith that today would go as I needed it to and I could still salvage and pick up the pieces of what was left of my life from tomorrow onwards.


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