Chapter 15

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"Well, look who we have here."

I look up and smile as I see her now familiar face walking towards me.

"You're turning into a very loyal customer, Joe. By far my favourite customer too." She smiles as she whipped out her notepad and pen.

"Good morning, Lyn. Can I have a double espresso this morning please?"

"Oooh a change of order. Feeling adventurous this morning, are we?" Her eyes staying connected with mine as she writes down my order.

"No, no. Just really tired. Didn't get much sleep last night, so need a morning pic me up."

"That's a shame. I was hoping you'd be feeling a little adventurous." She leans in closer to me. "I'm aching to be fucked today."

I raise my eyebrows unable to keep my laugh stifled. "I'm sure you have plenty of men queuing up to take care of that need, Lyn."

She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe so, but there's only one man I want..." She turns away before I could answer.

I can't help but smile as I shake my head watching her walk away.

I look down at my phone as it vibrates on the table below.

'I'll be there in a minute. I'll have a vanilla latte please 😉'

Cheeky! I raise my hand towards Lyn who's eyes were back on mine from across the shop.

"Yes, sir. How may I be of assistance? Decided to take me up on that special offer?"

She had a set of balls on her, that's for sure.

"Not quite. Can I get a vanilla latte with that order too please?"

"Expecting company? Or are you trying to buy me into bed? Because you don't have to do that's here ready and waiting..."

"Correct the first time. Company."

"Fine, keep playing hard to get, Joe. I enjoy the chase..." Once again she walks away attempting to leave a thought in my mind.

Pretty sure this was bordering on sexual harassment but she's harmless if not a little tiring.

"Good morning, Mr Romano."

I look up to see Angelica pulling out the seat opposite me. "This is becoming a regular date now isn't it?"

I smile. "Yeah, I guess so although I have just dropped Emma off to work, so should probably keep our voices down a little."

She looks up and out of the window, across at the gym where Emma works. "Oh, of course. Sorry."

"How are you this morning?" I ask as my foot accidentally touches hers underneath the table.

"Better than expected. I didn't get much sleep last night. Kevin left soon after you know...and I haven't heard from him since. My Dad went crazy on him and I think he actually ended up feeling guilty about kicking off like he did. Even though he had every right to."

I nod my head in agreement. "I'm sorry for putting you in such a shit position yesterday."

"Not at all, it was my fault. You were right, we should have gone up to my bedroom. It was stupid of me to think we could get away with it. Next time, you're coming into my room and we'll figure out a quick escape route."

I raise my eyebrows in shock. "Next time? After what happened, you think there's going to be a next time?"

"Don't tell me you don't want more of me, sir. You loved having my lips wrapped around your hard cock. Don't deny it."

I couldn't deny I enjoyed it but how could I risk it all again?

"Silence? Is a sign of agreement." She leans across the table and whispers. "Plus, I only had you inside me for a second before we were caught. My tight little pussy needs filling, Mr Romano."

Within an instant, she had made my cock as hard as it was for her yesterday evening.

"Sorry to interrupt."

Angelica leans back into her seat as Lyn places our coffees down on the table in front of us. "Everything okay?" She asks as she steps back.

"I was just telling Mr Romano about the party tomorrow night at the lake. You think he should come too, don't you Lyn?"

Party? What's she talking about?

"Oh absolutely. There will be drinks flowing, sexy young girls swimming in bikinis, dripping wet, horny bodies everywhere. You should definitely come, Joe."

I nod my head and smile. "Thanks for the invite. I'll think about it."

"You do that, Joe." Lyn winks as she walks away.

"Party?" I ask as Angelica sips on her drink.

"Yeah, tomorrow night. You should definitely come. It will be nice to see you relaxed. And if you're lucky, you can take full advantage of me."

"I'm not sure Emma will be too pleased about me going to a party full of teenagers. It's a little creepy, don't you think?"

She smirks. "Creepy? Your cock didn't seem very creeped out by an 18 year old mouth yesterday, Mr Romano."

This girl was unbelievable. Horny as hell but I couldn't shake wanting her even more.

"Like I said, I'll think about it. Anyway, I should probably head to work. I've got a trip next week that was thrown on me late yesterday so really need to prep for it."

"You're leaving me? Where's the trip?"

"New York. I fly out on Monday."

"Oh wow, I've never been to New York. Please take me with you..." Her big puppy dog eyes lingering into mine.

"We'll see..."

I grab my coffee and head towards the door. Leaving Angelica in limbo. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to take her with me but how on earth would I explain that to Emma?


Should Joe go to the party?

Would it be a little too creepy given his age?

Who do you think he should take to New York with him?

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