Chapter 5

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The drive back home was a blur. The lies were starting to pile up now. All evidence was pointing in one direction.

How has it come to this?

24 hours ago, I thought we had the perfect marriage. Nothing could break us but fast forward a day and I'm being told lie after lie. I'm caught my wife with my next door neighbour, twice. Granted, I haven't seen anything that gives me enough proof that she's having an affair but if she isn't, what's with the constant stream of lies?

I know I've been no angel. I've found myself pleasuring myself over the young girl next door and now I have another young girls phone number in my pocket.

My life has gone from near perfection to a crumbling mess. Don't let anybody tell you that life is straight forward.

I know somehow had to find the mentally capacity to somehow work from home without being sidetracked constantly by the thoughts whirling around in my mind.

As I pulled up to my house, I saw Emma's car on the driveway just like I did the previous morning.

Maybe she actually did phone in sick today?

My mind eases slightly knowing she would be at home but now I had to think of an excuse for being at home.

As I walked into the house, again, there was no sign of my wife. I called out her name as I walked through to the kitchen. Nothing.

I only had a few minutes before my meeting with the team in France, so had to set my laptop up and push my thoughts aside.


The meeting dragged on longer than expected and I was in desperate need of a coffee and some aspirin by the time it finished. My head was pounding from the stress my home life was now having on me.

I slouched down onto the couch in our living room. My body hugged either side by two fluffy cushions. I felt exhausted and mentally drained. I could quite easily fall asleep but my mind wasn't allowing me to switch off.

Leaving over to grab my laptop, replying to as many emails as I could. Work was beginning to pile up and I knew I wasn't far from falling behind with what I needed to do but as much as I loved and needed this job, I had much more important things to sort out right now. My home life was crumbling and focusing all of my attention on work wasn't my main priority right now. I had to get to the bottom of what was going on.

I glanced across at my phone, no messages from my wife. But why was her car still parked outside? Why hadn't she gone to work? Where the fuck was she?

Deciding to phone her was my best bet. It's all I could do. So I proceeded to call her. Nerves consumed me, the butterflies in my stomach were floating around like crazy. The last time I felt this nervous to talk to my one wife on the phone was when we first got together. Everything back then was so much more exciting. Don't get me wrong, I still loved the woman as much as I did, if not more. I idolised her, she was my soulmate, my best friend, my comfort. But why am I questioning her now? She can't be cheating on me. We're too good together. Why would she risk what we have? Especially with David!

The phone began to ring. I swallowed hard as my saliva disappeared. Continuing to ring and ring. No answer.

Throwing my phone down beside me, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. The feeling of dread hanging over me like a weight. Images of her getting fucked by another man seeping into my mind.

I needed to get out again, my head was pounding more and more by the second. I needed to get out again, clear my mind. Let the fresh air hit me and hopefully calm me down. Maybe even wake me up from this nightmare. Because this didn't feel like real life anymore. It must be a dream.

Walking into the kitchen, I began to raid the medicine box. Popping two aspirins from the packet and running myself a glass of water. Looking across at my coffee machine and as nice at home coffee was, after this morning there was only one place I wanted my coffee from...


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