Chapter 7

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The evening came and Emma still wasn't home. Izzy and Zack were now snuggled up on the sofa, lost in some wildlife documentary about Elephants.

Dinner had been a success, I decided to let the kids create and make their own pizzas. Izzy opted for a simple pepperoni which she made the cutest smiley face from out of the round slices of meat and Zack opted for ham and pineapple because he had heard that was the Zoe'a favourite topping. I think my little man was experiencing his first crush.

I must admit when he decided on his topping, I did question whether this monster was my child. Who even likes pineapple on a pizza?

Then after one bite of his creation, spat it back out on his plate. The world was good again and thoughts of him not being mine were quickly diminished. And breathe...

Luckily his sister came out of school in a much better mood than yesterday and agreed to share her pizza creation with her little brother. Needless to say for her act of kindness she received an extra scoop of ice cream for her dessert.

Just as I sat down beside them the doorbell rang. Slapping my hands to my knees, forcing my weary body up from the comfort of the couch.

"Is Mommy home?" Zack cried excitedly.

"Mommy has a key, silly" Isabella replied.

I opened the door and my weary body soon felt alive again as i looked into those beautiful green eyes.

"Angelica, please come in." Opening the door fully and standing aside to allow her in.

"Thank you, Mr Romano." Smiling sweetly, she made her way into the house.

"No, thank you for agreeing to look after these two monsters."

"Hey Angelica." Izzy smiled sweetly as she looked up to see Angelica standing behind her.

"Jelly-Ka!!" Screamed Zack.

"Did someone say pyjama party?!" Angelica held open her arms as the kids jumped from the sofa and into her arms.

She had been our babysitter on a couple of occasions over the past year, so the kids knew her well. Unfortunately, due to work I had hardly seen them with her as my late nights in the office were the main reason we needed a babysitter.

"Now, I'm jealous!" I said playfully. "If I had known you were having a party, I would have stayed home!"

"No party for you, Daddy. You have to work remember." Izzy replied.

I didn't have to work, I needed a few hours so I could attempt to locate my wife. Her phone was still off, she hadn't been in touch all day so my own private investigation had to continue.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of this pyjama party though. Seeing Angelica standing in the middle of my lounge wearing silky pink pjs, with shorts so short that I'm not sure were that acceptable to be wearing around my young impressionable daughter. But I wasn't going to argue. I was enjoying them.

"Right, kiddos. Daddy needs to go. Come and give me a kiss and make sure you're both in bed by 9 please. And don't mess Angelica around as she will tell me."

Looking up and meeting those green eyes again, we exchanged smiles as the kids ran towards me, throwing their arms around me tightly.

"You've got my number, should you need anything or if these two give you a hard time."

The kids jumped back up onto the sofa as Angelica walked me to the door. "Thanks again, you're a star."

"It's fine, Mr Romano. They'll be fine with me. Now go." The touch of her hand on my shoulder sent electricity coursing through my veins.

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