Chapter 37

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"Feeling a little less naked now. You know you could be deep inside me right now, Joe? Instead you've made me get dressed and have a conversation! So, where do you want me to begin?"

She sat proudly across the kitchen table, the sound of the wooden chair scratching across the floor almost unbearable. She sat back and crossed her arms, the smugness on her face evident.

The cat that got the cream...

"Where do I want to start? You're the one that brought me here, Lyn. So maybe it's best that you start. Don't you think?"

She smirked. "Fair point. Now you promise, you're going to fuck me after, right?"

Jesus Christ! This girl was unbelievable!

"Just spit it out, Lyn. This is ridiculous."

She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Fiiiiiine!"

"So, you remember the night we were down by the lake?"

How could I forget?

I nodded in reply. I could feel my breath becoming shallow, holding my breath quite literally as she finally started getting to the point.

"Well, you would remember how 'blind drunk' I was?"

She using her fingers to accentuate the blind drunk part. Does that mean it was all an act?

"I wasn't drunk at all. If I'm honest, I made a fool of myself. I was hoping you would take me home and I'd soon sober up and I could fuck you in the back of your car....pathetic, isn't it?"

How do I even answer that?

I shrugged, brushing it off. She was young, we all did stupid things when we were teenagers so I'm not going to judge.

"But you didn't take me home, did you?"

I interrupted. "Erm, excuse me? I did start to walk you back through to the car park."

She nodded but I could tell something was coming. "True. But you didn't get me to the car, did you? You stopped. You became distracted by a certain young blonde, didn't you?"

Is this just a whole woman scorned scenario? Is this all she called me here for?!

"And then you left me with Little Dick Justin. He could have taken advantage of me, but you didn't care. Fortunately he acted like the perfect gentleman while you two snuck off and left me drunk and alone."

"You wasn't drunk though, were you? You just admitted that."

She smiled to herself. "True, but you didn't know that. You just left a vulnerable drunk young woman by herself surrounded by horny teenage boys. Shame on you!"

I was beginning to become irritated by the conversation now. This was pointless. I screeched the chair back from the kitchen table.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lyn's dark eyes looked up at me, gesturing for me to sit back down.

"Lyn, this is ridiculous. What's the point? I'm leaving."

"Sit your ass down. I'm getting to the point and trust me, you won't want to miss the ending."

"Can we just get to the point please?"

"Why? Got somewhere to be? Don't forget, you've still got to take me upstairs afterwards." She winked at me as I sat back down again. Throwing myself back on to the chair like a petulant child and crossing my arms, looking disinterested.

"Okay, I'll skip the middle and get to the juicy ending."

I nodded and waited for her to continue.

"So, I'm sure Angelica has already told you that I know and I saw a lot more of the both of you, that I ever imagined I would. And as jealous as I was, I can't deny that watching you both from a safe distance made my panties a little wet. You have a great backside by the way. Was tempting to just creep over and bite it as you were thrusting inside of her."

She bit her lip as her eyes locked on to mine. "Very sexy. I'm getting wet again just thinking about it. And when you shot your load all over her body. Wow! That was hot!"

I sat not acknowledging a thing as she was only telling me what I already know.

"Anyway, I'm veering off course again. Sorry."

I rolled my eyes which clearly annoyed her as she leant forward to continue, leaning in as if she was about to whisper a secret to me.

"But....what Angelica doesn't know is that I was there for the after show party too...."


"At first, I couldn't quite believe my eyes. Watching two men fight while one of them was as naked as the day he was born."

She smiled before delivering the punch line. "That was you by the way, just in case you wasn't sure..."

She pulled her phone on to the table and slid it across towards me. "Take a look..."

My heart rate was now at its maximum, my mouth dryer than the Sahara desert.

"Go on. Just in case you don't believe me. Have a look."

What was it with people filming around here?!

"I find it quite sad really that poor Kevin crashed down to his death because he had the same movie on his phone that I do, granted, I think I had the best angle. I almost feel guilty that I'm still breathing and he isn't. I say almost because I never liked him anyway but nobody deserves to die like that, do they Joe?"

She pushed the phone closer to me. "Come on! Just in case you don't believe me. I want you to see and for the record. I have this saved somewhere else, so even if you felt brave enough to try and delete it, I'll retrieve it again."

I threw my hands up to my face. The game was well and truly up now. If she was being truthful, evidence was still out there. I had nowhere to hide.

"What do you want, Lyn?" I finally speak up the tone in my voice is a defeated one.

She smiled. "See, I told you we would get there eventually. You have three options, Joe. Wanna hear them? And you have to agree to one, deal?"

"Go on...."

"Exciting isn't it?"

I remained silent and she was loving the power she held.

"Okay, so option one...You become my booty call, whenever, wherever I decide but you have to be there every time I call for the D."

A pause.

"Option two...You give me £500k to keep my mouth shut and the minute the money is in my account, I will delete the video and delete it from my safe place too. I'll let you be there with me when I do it so you can see me keep up my end of the deal."

I raised my eyebrows, knowing full well that I was never going to be able to afford that without raising suspicion with Emma or the bank.

"And the third?" I replied.

"Well, option three isn't great for you. It's pretty simple. I go to the police and you end up in prison for the rest of your life. So, if I were you, I'd go for either option one or two. Don't you agree?"


Looks like Lyn wasn't bluffing after all.

Surely the game is up for Joe now. How does he get out of this tangled web he has weaved now?

You're Joe - Which option do you pick?
1, 2 or 3

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