Chapter 9

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I woke up the following morning a little more relaxed. Perhaps that was due to my balls being emptied but there was a twang of guilt sweeping through my mind.

How much further would I have taken things with Angelica last night if I hadn't fallen asleep? And how lucky I was that she had moved her feet when she heard Emma coming through the door.

I had to go to work this morning, I couldn't afford to take another day off. I had meetings all day today, that I needed to attend. I had to clear my mind off of everything that I had going on at home and focus my full attention to the job that paid me so well.

Emma had the morning off so could take the kids to school and as she only had two classes today, which would mean she would be gone before the kids finished school, it gave me the full day to focus on work.

I had missed my morning coffee so decided to grab one on the way to the office. Deciding to take a bit of a detour in order to go to my new found favourite coffee shop.

"Good morning, Lyn"

She hadn't noticed me walk in and take my now usual seat next to the window. The sexy red head turned around with her pen and little order book in hand. "Ah, hello again, Joe. Couldn't keep away, huh?" She threw me a wink as she pushed the seat opposite back underneath the table.

"Something like that." I replied with a wry smile.

"Usual?" She asks as she had her pen poised ready to write down my order on the notebook.

"You know me too well already."

She smiled and leant in closer. "I do, but I'm still waiting for your number to pop up on my phone. You sure know how to keep a lady waiting..."

Before I could answer she turned away with an extra wiggle to her perfectly shaped hips today.

I shook my head clear as my mind somehow now had three women in their vying for my attention. I was soon broken from my thoughts as I watched the door to the shop swing open and a familiar face walked in.

"Angelica!" I shouted over, trying to grab her attention. She looked over and smiled as she made her way over to my table.

"May I?" She asked as she pulled the chair back out from underneath the table. "Please." I nod.

"Lyn, usual for me please!" She shouted over at her friend.

"Good sleep?" She asked as she made herself comfortable.

I smiled knowing full well she had gone to bed thinking about me last night. "It was okay, although I was much more comfortable on my sofa...How about you?"

I watched as she slowly bit the corner of her lip with her teeth. "I slept well, my feet were so achy last night but someone relieved that stress very well with their hands."

"Happy to hear it."

"Are you always that good with your hands, Mr Romano?"

I felt my cheeks begin to flush, hoping the redness was not evident to the girl opposite me. "Maybe...maybe not?"

"Well, I would love to find out one day."

Our conversation was cut short as Lyn approached with our drinks. Placing them down in front of us. "Well, you two look cozy."

Angelica laughed. "Mr Romano, is my neighbour!" She snaps.

"Oh, right. So is she the reason you haven't called me yet, Joe?"

Oh shit!

Angelica moves her head quickly in my direction, almost scowling at me.

I'm at a loss for words. However I reply, it will piss one of them off.

I hold out my left hand and point to the wedding ring on my finger.

Lyn giggles. "You think that's going to stop me? You wouldn't be the first married man I've had on top of me, Joe..."

My eyes widened as Angelica and Lyn shared what I could only assume was an inside joke as Lyn begins to walk away, lifting her finger and thumb to her ear mimicking a phone and whispering "Call me."

"Ignore her, she's just testing you."

"Is that right?" I say hesitantly and sipping my iced tea.

"I must admit, I am a little upset, Mr Romano. I was hoping just a little that maybe you could slip that ring off of your finger for me some time..."

I looked up to see Angelica giving me the cutest of puppy dog eyes and I began to feel her foot rubbing my leg from underneath the table.

"Is that so?" I replied. Again, not sure what to say in reply.

"Uh huh." Her foot started rubbing higher up my leg as she leant in and whispered. "I want to feel those hands all over my naked body."

I was stunned into silence. My heart was racing like crazy.

"Now, my father is out all day today and I'm not expecting to see Kevin today. He is still running around with his friends. The fucker hasn't called me since yesterday so why don't you try to pay me a visit after work? I'm going to be all alone and thinking of you at those hands on my feet, moving them slowly up my legs..." She trailed off and squinted her eyes towards me.

I'd never been tempted like this before. There had been opportunities in the past to cheat on Emma but had never actually acted on anyone's advances before.

But this time there was more to it, I had reason to believe my wife was cheating on me and what better way to get back at the man who was fucking my wife but to get my own back by fucking his daughter.


Is Joe right to be tempted?

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